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Are We Valid In This Discussion? Do Men Have A Voice On Womens Issues? | Urban Intellectuals

Are We Valid In This Discussion? Do Men Have A Voice On Womens Issues?

by | Oct 8, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

Hello UI. I am sorry that I have been away for a week or so but I just had a very interesting conversation with another UI follower. The conversation was regarding feminism and black/minority women in this particular movement. Now of course you and I both know that me, being the man that I am would have opinions on this subject. I gave my two cents, and then the responses came. Now, I won’t get into the details of what was said, because that’s not the important part. What was important was the response. I was told that basically I was wrong, and that I was unknowledgeable simply because I was a man. This is something that made me scratch m head. So I then engaged this person again, with the question of “Why am I not allowed to speak on such things simply because I was a man?”

pissed-off-womanThis is the question that I ask of you today UI. Does the fact that I am a man take away my voice and intelligent view point on women’s issues? I was raised by women, I have had relationships with women, and have listened to the struggles of women from the friends that I have accumulated in life… So why can I not comment on the plight and struggles of the people that I am so close to and love dearly? I have noticed that about most UI conversations that involve women’s issues, as well as average dinner table conversations. NOT ALL… But certain women seem to have laid a claim to women’s suffrage by the “Vagina” default. What I mean is that no matter what expertise or experience that a man has with women… No matter how many women he has come across… A man will forever be wrong in the eyes of this type of woman. It it fair to assume that this is the truth? I must admit that there are things that I will definitely never be able to understand because I am not a woman. Things like periods, child birth, and wearing uncomfortable garments so that I can look a certain way, will never be in my scope of comprehension. However I do feel that my points are valid, as well as the points made by other men.

Their are quite a few things that we as men see that simply you don’t. There is always an insight from the outside looking in. However because of certain women who bash us for even mentioning a woman in a sentence, women get to comment about men and how “we don do this” or “We don’t do that” and is is perfectly acceptable. However if a man mentions a woman’s short coming, he is seen in a different light. Honestly I think both genders are wrong for bashing one another, and that we should be uplifting one another. If you agree with that…. Then why would we as men not be given the opportunity to offer constructive criticism and vice versa.

Again, I am not bashing women. I love women. I feel that you all are the reason for most things. I just don’t understand why we have no voice… No opinion… and no place in discussing issues involving the people that most men Gay or straight, love so very much. Now the ball is in your court UI. Do we have a voice? Or do we simply need to shut up based on the pure fact that we are men? Ready… Go.

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