In the current Black and Conscious Movement, there are many initiatives to compel Black people to separate from mainstream white America, and/or to “go along to get along,” and/or to inspire Black people in America (African-Americans, as it were) to care more about themselves and to learn to ‘pour into’ or lean into one another in order to erase the filth and stench of centuries of white supremacy from our Black lives.
Locked up in the stronger and more publicly viable narrative is a long and storied and complicated set of ideas about Black people, or African-Americans. Going along with it are the Black or African-American “social sophisticates,” or “Black elitists” who have endeavored for many decades since slavery ended to stay away from controversies that involve high racially polarizing issues with Black People Proper. It is highly likely that many of those Black elites prefer a Donald Trump type in national office, simply because they are more comfortable with white supremacy safely installed back where it rightfully belongs. To be sure, you’ll never hear them ask “What has Donald Trump done for Black people?,” because they already know the answer and it suits them just fine.
Like the enslaved Hebrews who preferred leeks, garlic, and melons under Pharaohnic rule in Egypt than the Manna of Heaven under True Mosaic and Abrahamic Covenant Freedom, their personal preference is to play down Blackness and act as if it is better to be a living Coward than a dead Lion, which is totally against Prophetic and Proverbial Order.
The narrative goes a little something like this: “Stay away from/out of that ‘black stuff,’ because those people are going to bring you nothing but trouble. So if you keep silent and stay to yourself and stay away from them and do what the authorities tell you to do, all will be well with you.” If you do not “stir up the white folks and make them angry,” you will be okay. Okay? Okay!
First they came for the Africans, but I did not speak out because I was not an African.
Then they came for the Slaves, but I did not speak out because I was not a Slave.
Then, they came for the Black People, but I did not speak out because I was not Black.
Then they finally came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Most of us learned a long time ago that it is a false slave narrative that allows some Black folks to divide themselves within the color lines from ‘other’ Black folks just to keep up the appearance of peace where there is no peace.
Yet, we are now living in a day and hour when frightened children and teens, Black in circumstantial nature even if not in matching skin color, are crying out to their parents and grandparents about how many #BlackLives have been destroyed and will be lost whether they were in compliance with white mandates to stay in their place or not.
They want to know:
“Am I next?”
“They kill our daddies, then mock us for being fatherless.”
“I want to live. Please do not kill me just for being born Black.”
Reactionary Justice breaks out across the nation on #BlackLivesMatter as a Movement, and it leaves us all with a bitter feathery dusty taste in our mouths for overall justice in America.
By and through it, we begin to discover that “going along to get along” seldom works out in our favor.
Plus, it didn’t help us any that The Black Man of the Century got elected President and SOME white folks decided that no matter what, they must do whatever it is they need to do to “keep us in our designated places as niggers,” regardless of the kinds of whitenized bleached out degrees and education they attained; no matter how rich or socially upstanding they were, or what part of Black African-America that they came from. For those supremacists, a nigger is a nigger, regardless. And it isn’t like us “non-elite” Blacks didn’t already know it.
In the past eight years, we have watched them decisively move backward to their “All niggers look alike to us” genius mode.
We stood back and watched in mock horror as they, the white powers that be, psychologically and socially demeaned and tore down a Black TRUE African-American Harvard Law School graduate and his equally educated wife with their two upstanding and outstanding young Black daughters. With a lot of Black people’s help as they went along, some of them actually had the audacity to let the words “There was no racism before Barack Obama,” slip out from between their teeth and tongues and lips like it had some authority to it that was based on fact.
Maybe we should say “We told you so,” but we won’t.
The world has seen for itself the truth about most mainstream Black people in the hands of President and Mrs. Obama, and also the truth about racism and white supremacy as the covering veil of white purity that slipped off while President Obama was in the Main Office. The self-maintained vicious white lies and front-facing coverall about the most upstanding President in the history of this nation was replaced with the worst white male that they could have dredged up in the trailer trash annals of their own history.
The drunken and violent white drug addict and the white “baby daddy” with more than one white baby mama, married and divorced multitudinous times in his own white skin; marrying a string of white ho’s, with a nasty mouth and bad attitude about everything that they have always worshiped as long as it comes pre-packaged in white skin has risen to the surface at last.
The same white man who has not an educated or masterful brain cell in his head to bless himself with, well … it turns out that it was their self-righteous sanctimonious kind keeping up all the prolific “race noise” after all. Not only have they been revealed to the world as what they truly are; but their own sins and errors in judgment that were massively blamed on Black people … well, Trump has finally thrown their caucuses under a white nationalist bus.
It was only a matter of time before it had to happen and it did. BIG TIME. The graves they dug for us are the ones that are swallowing them alive, and in whole pieces.
In the meantime, Black and “afrocentric” folk have to stop for a moment, and think:
Were these things done because we are now living in the generation of post-Ronald Reagan-inspired gangsta rap ‘crack babies-now-adults’ who teach their children that it’s okay to fall all out in the streets and disrespect others and act up as long as they are not committing a crime? Or because of a generation of Black people who have taught their children that they cannot be killed by cops for committing “small crimes that don’t involve violence”? Or because we have a generation of young Black people who have been taught that it’s okay to commit a crime as long as you do it to other Black people only? Or maybe it all happened just because white supremacists of the -type love stirring up race-baiting notions about Blacks, crime and violence when they are the main ones driving the literal hate and fear-mongering to the depths of hell all by themselves?
After all, it would not be beyond the white supremacists to make one last attempt to paint white-skinned people out as the most godly, benevolent, relevant, non-violent, peace-loving archetypes in the world as opposed to the anti-supremacist alleged white-race-hating violent mongrel criminal element that is nearly all, if not all, Black people in the USA and beyond, according to the gospel known as themselves.
As unkempt as we know are the consistent and manifest destiny of apolitical “Willie-Horton Lee-Atwater” Boogie Men crimes as compared to the insideous terrorist “white people crimes” of their own history that spawned the willie-horton-lee-atwater archetypes of their own fractured fairytales, there is the only lesson we can possibly learn from this.
There is only one TAKEAWAY VALUE that remains intact that is left to unscramble and untwist and it comes in the form of a question, not a statement: “Did the schematic of ‘white supremacy trumps Black victimization’ work out for them, or did it not?”
As one white woman put it, “Lee Atwater asked God’s forgiveness” just before he died of a very vicious form of cancer in which he begged God to heal him of all the sins he had committed while underscoring and emphasizing the cancer of racism. While it may be true that Atwater asked God’s forgiveness and likely got it on the way out, that doesn’t mean we are not still living with the results of his nightmare freakish sins to this day.
Do we reconcile it as a People who do not yet know we are a People; or will we soon discover, as they have so forcefully put it, that #WhiteLiesMatter? or that #OnlyWhiteLivesReallyMatter ?
2019 is coming.
Did white supremacy in the age of Obama awaken Black people and the world to finally defeat it; or did it awaken a People to shudder in its wake in ongoing fear just to keep it stabilized in order to save their own private skin once again? Does “The Plantation mentality” finally end on our watch, or will it gain momentum and a more solid footing this go round?
We shall see, because it was this kind of ‘Boogie Man apolitical strategizing’ and the traditional norm of them degrading ‘certain’ Black people, even The President himself, that some Black elitists helped to usher in as Trump-style demagoguery on their own watch. Even as we speak, “Chicago,” white supremacy’s Race War Headquarters, is being toted about as “in need of federal intervention” for reasons no one knows about BUT them.
We shall see…