Untwist: What Does The Bible Really Teach? LEVITICUS (Part 4)

by | Dec 23, 2016 | Opinion | 0 comments

The Book of Laws: The Levitical priesthood (TRIBE OF LEVI, or the LEVITES) were the main carriers and keepers of the Mosaic order of spiritual and natural laws (the Laws of Moses), according to scriptural tradition.

But now that we are finally weaning ourselves off of white race-oriented superstitions and fairytales regarding the explicit nature of Righteous God, let us talk about all of those laws in the Bible that everyone likes to unscrupulously toss at one another whenever there is a need for a full-fledged food fight about who is right and who is wrong…about darned near every topic under the sun.

The truth is … NONE of those laws apply to us in this day and age. They were put in place for a specific tribal order of people at a specific time, so all we are supposed to get is the “gist” of what was going on at the time and why.

Then, why bother reading the Book of LEVITICUS if it no longer pertains?

Because I did not say the Book of Leviticus no longer pertains to us, I said THE MOSAIC LAWS were put in place for a specific people at a specific time, so there is no real purpose in us belaboring details and points of contention from way back when that are not going to do us a bit of good one way or another. We are not there, this is not BACK THEN. We are here, this is NOW and tomorrow.

The Book of Leviticus is basically all about access to perfection, intercession, and purification as it pertains to moral standards and ethical conduct with and among other human beings. Thou shalt Love the Lord God with all thine heart, mind, soul and spirit; and love thy neighbor as thou lovest thyself. [Matt. 22:36-40] The consequential end.

If Genesis is the book of human origins, and Exodus is the book of redemption and separation for a uniquely chosen people with a mission to accomplish; a mission that will set the world right again, then, Leviticus is the book of restoration and consecration to God by living in the Ark/ARC of a higher moral universe and by higher ethical standards that serve as an example to others.

The Children of Israel had to be trained how NOT to live under the same types of behaviors that they had picked up from 400 years of being taught to live the wrong way by the wrong people. They had to re-learn HOW to live for God and how to respect one another as free people, rather than as slaves. They had to learn to think beyond boundaries by first being bound to a well-adjusted life, and then released to do greater things. They had to learn to look beyond restraints by first being constrained to do the right thing by God and by one another.

The 4377 with the future AND the past, some say, all we have is the right here and right now. Sound familiar?

That’s because all we do in this day and age is a repetition of the same habits and mindsets of people of olden ancient days. They said and did the same things that we do now, and yet they are gone into the Antiquities and the world has moved on without them … AND we are yet and still asking the same questions, doing the same things over and over, one to another, ad infinitum and ad nauseum.

Industrialization and technology is the only real difference between us and the ancients, because deep inside we are still just as primitive and crude and banal in our attitudes and thought patterns as they once were. We still operate off of less than 10-percent of our mental and brain-functioning capacity; we are still limited in a limitless universe, finite in an infinite world, and we do not understand eternity, nor do we want to truly understand, because we have to die to get there and we can’t come back HERE to talk about it.

Now that we are separated from nearly 400 years of slavery AGAIN -mental and physical- (as of 2019), this FINAL DISPENSATION OF SLAVERY is the right time to be separated from the consequences of the actions of others, just as were our ancient ancestors of Bible times. They were removed from the evils of Egypt, and it is the same with us now – permanently removed from the evils of the post-slavery racism of the Americas and Europeans.

The Bible shows us that internal healing in Black America comes only by way of separation from “Egypt” (European ways) and the re-training of our minds, just like the mind of our ancestors in Israel had to be retrained. It is the only real means by which permanent and lasting healing will come to Black people.

Most Black people are well aware that too many of us prefer the “leeks, melons and garlic” of captivity over the Manna of release and true freedom in our own lands; but maybe the fear for us is that freedom is too costly and takes too much responsibility. The world seems to think that Black people are afraid of self-responsibility and hard work and know nothing of ingenuity, but the truth is that the TRUST FACTOR flew out the window for us a long time ago and we cannot accomplish anything of greater significance alone.

Black folks are having a hard time trusting each other and there is substantial justification for the lack of trust in our communities. It has justifiable reason to exist. So what do we do about it?

Atone by way of blood.

BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD. Kinship… It makes for families and familial connections and it, blood, is supposed to be thicker than water. Scientifically, it is a solid liquid vehicle for transferring nutrients in and pulling toxins out of the body in order to restore and rejuvenate the entirety of it.

Am I suggesting some type of human or animal sacrifice to atone for our misgivings? No. And HNO.

This is not about religion and rituals, this is all about separation from wrong and evil in foreign lands, and it has a converse conclusion: Adherence to what is right.

Atonement by BLOOD is an emptying of the vessel (of the CORPORATE mind, ALL of us) – an UNTWISTING, if you will – from all of the wrong teachings and evil devises of white supremacy. Atonement is the broom-sweeping of our souls and then making sure that we refill us with the ‘good stuff’ –TOP SHELF unilateral thinking- that does not trample upon nor disregard the rights of others of our own kith and kindred. To respect one another as well as or better than we do those who would have us UTTERLY destroyed if they could.


Our grandparents used to say “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” The scriptures say, paraphrased, “Do not leave the cleared space empty, for evil will come back and multiply itself; but instead fill up or refill with that which is needful and useful, with that which is just, pure, good and right. [Matthew 12:44-45]

When it comes to trust, many of us spew THE GOLDEN RULE out of our mouths, but few keep it close to heart and practice it. For most of us, it’s a ‘nice theory’ and that is all. In the final analysis, all the Book of Leviticus asks for is the Love of God and love for one another, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” That INCLUDES your BLACK neighbor.

The call to understanding with the Lion of Judah is not a call to hatred of white people, definitely not the kind of unmitigated hatred they have had for us all over the world, but it is a call for us -as a Chosen Tribe of People- to take our PROPER POSITION in the natural order of life. We don’t need to “stay in our place.” Our PLACE is everywhere the feet of our ancestors have trod long before a white face appeared on the planet. However, we DO need to understand our PROPER POSITION.

In a sense, the “magic negro” of Hollywood’s imaginations is not absolutely without merit, but only because we are the ONLY ones with the actual internal power and skills and ability to “heal the world.” The Earth will not set itself UPright again until WE, the Black people of the ancient world and the here and now and the tomorrows, are restored and made whole. That is without question.

With a population of more than 80-percent of the world, it is rightly said that they can kill some of us — maybe a lot of us; but they will not get ALL of us without also utterly destroying themselves. Bombs, robots, and drones are NO match against the power of God. One GOOD earthquake or tsunami or whatever the Lord will, and their white reign of terror ends overnight. And that is coming, the Bible has prophesied. So shall it be written, so shall it be done.

Look around, and look up: YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH.

If only a tenth or less of our minds/brains can pull off what appears to be miracles in the present age, imagine what a complete reconciliation with our duly created natures would do.

Morality, ethics, and social order was given to the Black man to begin with and WE got out of line. It will end with the Black man. The world is not round, or cyclical, for no reason. It won’t happen because we bow, scrape the knee, bend, buckle, roll over, acquiesce to evil, nor will it happen because we march or beg, or whine, or cry, or because we take a beat-down in the streets whilst asking questions to which we should already know the answer.

Internal healing for Black people will only come by the knowledge of WHO WE ARE AS A PEOPLE. Period.

We are out of order and out of alignment with our origins on this Earth.
Until Black people are healed and MADE WHOLE, legally, ethically and morally, everything else is subjective and nothing will be right in this world ever again.

This is the law of the Levites. The Holy Priesthood. A Chosen Generation.



STAY TUNED FOR PART V – The Book of Numbers…

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