Today’s Meme is actually a Report from WRAL News – Capitol Broadcasting
Yes, you can and you SHOULD. Stop blaming President Obama for something that is no one’s fault except your own.
You know who you are, who we are talking to, what you are doing, and why. You aren’t crazy, either; you’re just insanely jealous.
This young man -married to a white female and with a bi-racial child- was murdered by a PASTOR, his very own father- in- law, and more than likely, he is just another rightwing evangelical teaparty gun-bagging race-mongering Ronald Reagan worshiper. But that’s just a GUESS because this is such typical cowardice for them, to gun down unarmed Black men and women who don’t have an equal chance to defend THEMSELVES against their harassers, attackers, and abusers.
Here’s the news report. Go read it yourself.
We’re simply DISGUSTED and won’t bother to spin a take on what happened. And … Yes, we already know …
You’ve already got a pre-gurgitated ready-mix bag of EXCUSES waiting on this young man, Christian Griggs, in order to convict him post-mortem for causing his own death for wanting to raise and take care of his own child. Got that. We already know … Christian came around and committed the crime of wanting to see his child, without a lethal weapon, and just ‘instigated’ the use of one probably for “being mad while Black”; and therefore, “he got what he deserved.”
Where have we heard that bullshyt before? Matt Dillon? The Rifleman? Bonanza?
No. Because your little wild west fairytale TV “heroes” would never have been cowardly enough to shoot an unarmed WHITE man, NOR would they have just upped and lynched an unarmed Black one.
We already know your usual FOX-news playbook media pundit excuses, point for point, angle for angle, side for side. We’ve already gotten every single one of your hollow selfish over-bloated excuses down pat.
Go right ahead. Rinse and Repeat the same played out warmed-over excuses and hand walk this murderer, on top of the THOUSANDS of lynchmen you’ve already walked out over the past four or five centuries. After all, Griggs wasn’t the same race as a man you WOULD cover for under the exact same circumstances.
This vicious animal dares to call himself a “christian” and a pastor, and dares to conjure up the name of Christ when he can’t even deal righteously and forthrightly with a man on this EARTH named Christian (who also happened to be the father of his GRANDCHILD).
Note: These most recent UNENDING conversations on race and racism are not a “NEW” thing by any stretch of the imagination, nor is there any “new candor” going on about it. This is an America that ignored it all and chose to sweep the racism under a rug for 50-PLUS years that I have known about, and even before most of us were born, according to what our seniors and elders told us.
Most of us are not taught to hate whites in our BLACK families … it is almost ALWAYS the other way around. We often, too often, learn race hatred -as we become adults- from those who have made the most money from it and those who specialize in its ever-forward motion thrust.
No, this is actually ALL on you this time.
To be continued…
“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, Whom they have not seen.” – I John 4:20