UI MEME OF THE DAY, A Daily Series…
The “I Can Breathe” t-shirts and paraphernalia of the police forces in the United States of America symbolizes the mocking and degradation of too many Black Americans who were lynched and ritualistically executed by police forces, often for no other reason than “it was a good day to kill a Nigger.”
Their behaviors are lucidly clear and outlandishly Klannish. It is a sad day when Black people in America acquiesce to this kind of behavior, as if others are not supposed to “feel” the same grief that we do.
No, these PARTICULAR police officers who were murdered by Ismaiiyl Brinsley in New York had nothing to do with the actual death of Eric Garner, but there is almost no room left for doubt that they, along with their like-situated compatriots, have single-handedly brought more than a fair share of grief on the heads of Black people in their sector of society. ALMOST no room left for doubt. All cops aren’t bad cops, but most are. All whites are not racist, but most are.
People can “grieve” any way they want to “grieve,” but this issue is much bigger than just them; and our willingness to bow down and acquiesce and let them continue on their quest to kill as many Black men and women as they can for any reason they can dream up and then walk away from it is the same thing as saying “You win.”
They will kill again and ‘carry on as usual.’

ONE WINTER a Farmer found a Snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom. The Snake was quickly revived by the warmth, and resuming its natural instincts, bit its benefactor, inflicting on him a mortal wound. “Oh,” cried the Farmer with his last breath, “I am rightly served for pitying a scoundrel.” The greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful. [“A Tale of Two Hoodies” (2012) is an oil painting by Michael D’Antuono]
This has been proven time and again over the past four centuries and longer.
Our willingness to accept it only justifies their behaviors, just as does that of an abusive man beating his very own wife to death as she continually takes him back time and again; and he only beats her even worse every time she goes home.
I make this assessment because Learned Forgiveness and True Forgiveness are not the same thing.
Learned forgiveness is allowing an abusive lot of racists to tell you that no matter what white people do our ONLY choice is to continue to serve them and nod our heads in agreement with it.
True Forgiveness never allows an enemy operative NOT to suffer the consequences of their own behavior or to get away with what they have done. Forgive them, but understand that they have to go through a cyclical purging cycle or their abuse will continue at OUR expense. The world is round, and there is a reason for that.
For Black America, the portals of the past are still wide open and they will never ever close and heal as long as we carry on in this “we accept the abuse and white supremacist behaviors” manner.
These are the children of overseers, slave-catchers and their official ‘plantation-minded trainees’ who are of our same race and ethnicity.
They can never be trusted and “looks” are deceiving. Black people have nothing to lose any more, and white supremacists have everything to lose. Time has proven that the solution to OUR problems in society has NEVER ever been trying to improve our position UNDER white supremacy.
Sincerity of heart and meaning is not at issue here – what is at issue is that the senseless deaths in Black America continue, particularly at the hands of racist cops, and MAJORLY because Black people continue to bow down to abuse from others as if it’s still 1865.
America never graduated from 1865 in the way it treats Black people, slavery has never really gone completely away … so for Black Americans to believe that such actions are anything more than proof of our willingness to succumb to it is sincerely naive and conclusively dysfunctional, as well as EXTREMELY dangerous. Don’t fool yourself, school yourself.
The history of their hellish behaviors does not dissipate simply because two police officers were killed, even as the police mock and ridicule the death of the Garner family’s owned love one, a man who would have been alive this day had they not touched him.
The only solution to this problem is for them to “man up” and pull up to the table and admit what they’ve done wrong, to clean house on the police departments, and to lay out an agenda for what they will do in the future to rectify the wrongs of the past. In the meantime, Black people do not owe America any duty of forgiveness that gives them the right to continue on as they have.
The only “forgiveness” they are allowed is that which ends their stance against Black Americans once and for all, and it means that they MUST put on their Big Boy Panties and do what has to be done across the Board.
If they had to compensate us financially as they have done others (and reparations are STILL due and owing at this time), the World Bank would break and every European nation in the world would crumble and fall. They owe Black people an apology, AND THEN SOME. End Game.
That’s all there is and there is no more. Enough is enough. #blacklivesmatter. Control the conversation.
The heel of the Created Man of God and the head of the stinging viper can never mesh and become one at this season in time.