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UIMD: ProChoice vs ProLife-Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other | Urban Intellectuals

UIMD: ProChoice vs ProLife-Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other

by | Dec 21, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

Holmes - Murderer Suspect

Killed people – alive; Black men and women who never killed anyone are dead

UI MEME OF THE DAY, a Daily Series…

People who are pro-life are typically some religious evangelical types who claim that abortion is murder in the eyes of God. Others just feel that the use of abortion as a method of birth control is just plain wrong.

People who are pro-choice are typically the type of people who care more about a woman’s right to control her own body and live her life as she chooses.

Whether she uses preventative methods, such as birth control to avoid pregnancy, or has to end up getting an abortion — it’s her life, it should be HER choice.

All too often, women who are “guilted” into having children that they do not want end up abusing, neglecting, or at the very least not taking good care of their children. Sometimes, these children end up being aborted after the fact, by their own parents.

Sometimes … they get aborted almost well into adult life by others, and most often – for no real justifiable reason whatsoever.

Anyone who says they are “pro-life” but supports the murder of unarmed Black men are not who or what they say they are. No one need listen to anything they say unless they can back up that mouth with some actions regarding the “moral arc of the universe.”

Anyone who says they are “pro-life,” but supports the upheld life of a white male who shot up a movie theater filled with people “just for the fun of it” and walked out alive … is pro-life for white murderers and anti-Black Life.

You will never hear the ones who want James Holmes kept alive also call out for the prosecution and conviction of those who murdered young Black men and women for no reason.

Theirs is only mercy in this nation for a white or white-skinned murderer.

If and when you see a pro-life person who supports police brutality, or any other type of unjustified murder or maiming under any circumstances … feel free to call them a liar and a hypocrite, for that is EXACTLY what they are. The time for running mouths is over.

If their actions don’t back up what they say they believe, you can walk away from them — churches, preachers, and pastors included — and know that you’ve done the right thing.


ProLife * AntiBlack

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