UIMD: Dr. Ben Carson, No…Racism didn’t “get worse” under President Obama

by | Nov 27, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series…

“I actually believe that things were better before this president was elected. And I think that things have gotten worse because of his unusual emphasis on race,” Carson said on the Hugh Hewitt radio show, in a discussion on the death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown.

Incorrect. Just because Carson was living in a jaded sheltered Oprahesque world where white people made him think he was “above it all,” what he forgets in this implication is that President Obama lived in that jaded sheltered world as well.


Dr Ben: Only for you

He got that 3 a.m. Ni&&eresque “wakeup call” on his watch, and if Ben Carson ever decides to run for President, so will he. That is, of course, unless he kisses white supremacist ass — something President Obama has been mostly unwilling to do, with a few concessions here and again.

That’s a horse of a different color -if he bows down and kisses their royal manifest asses, and it automatically makes him a decisionless WUSS, which is what we’ve seen come out of Obama one time too many.

In the end, however, kissing supremacist ass didn’t give President Obama an ounce of leverage. His race, and his father’s root origins are like the Aesop’s fable about the snake and the manchild:

The snake bit the manchild, the manchild died. The father goes to chop the snake’s head off and gets his tail instead. Since the snake does not die, the father of the manchild becomes very afraid and decides to “break bread” with the murderer of his son. The snake says to him “Thanks for the invite, but no matter what happens next – every time you see me, you will see the loss of your son and every time I see you, I remember the loss of my tail.”

The End.

Carson doesn’t have a shot in hell of surpassing that same racism Obama has encountered unless he stays in the place where white supremacists prefer him – decisionless, powerless, kissing ass, and pretending like things are what they are not and what things are not, they are.

That is his position as a Black man, and his being “Ben Carson” doesn’t mean he isn’t going to get shipped out on the fastest *Ni&&er Boat” with the rest of us.

They set him up as an example of how racist they are not. The racism itself, however, never went away.

It is what built this nation, and they have no reason to let their race-based prosperity go in order to “shine up” another Negro who thinks the answer lies in kissing white ass.

He is as those before Obama … a ni&&er with a doctorate degree.

Bill Cosby, with his colorblind ass, couldn’t even surpass that one.

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