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UIMD: Acting White | Urban Intellectuals

UIMD: Acting White

by | Nov 16, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series…

Aren’t you sick of it?

White folks being the “new” Black and Black folks being the “new” white?

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Aren’t you sick of trying to fit in their skin, because they’re laughing at the skin you’re in?

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Aren’t you sick of selling your soul?

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To the forces of hell that took your role and reduced you to a sack of shit hair

and a hill of surgical reduction mounds?

Aint you sick of it?

Aren’t you sick of it?

This cycle will continue around.

You’ll be the sneeches without stars and they will have stars upon thars

And when they get sick of you and discard you … they’ll put their stars

back on and you’ll be reaching out to the sneech’d to put yours back on too.

Why you need to do everything that they do?

Aren’t you sick of being them and sick of them being you?

You …

From your head to your eyes to your lips to your body dimensions

To the heart and soul of your music and your swag

Something they never had,

They’ll steal it from you, then sell it back

When you had it all in the first place, it wasn’t theirs to take.

You pick up their guns and shoot and call it defense or “getting respect”…

You have no respect for yourself with the weapons they use on you

That you ought to be using on them, too.

You pick up their language, their customs, their drugs, liquor, and nasty ways

Because they fooled you into thinking they rule the ancient of days.

And as long as you carry that Caucamonkey on your ass

They own the lawnmower and your ass is grass.

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