UI Meme of the Day, A Daily Series…
FYI: If the Republican Party and their Tea Party friends and Blue Dog Dem faction has you screaming at people on poverty welfare stipulations about the “national deficit,” get prepared and brace yourself for a huge surprise.
If you weren’t already paying for wars, rumors of wars, and corporate welfare in the form of “subsidies,” your tax bill on $50k would drop so low that you’d be able to afford a vacation anywhere in the world that you want to go at LEAST once a year.
That’s right.
Almost $4,300 a year of your tax bill on $50k goes to killing, stealing and destroying instead of feeding and healing, and also into some already very-rich guy’s pockets who will take 10-20 LUXURY vacations a year for every one small vacation that you struggle to save for months, maybe even years, to take.
If you’ve been taught to believe that the “Fabulous 1/10th” of our society need YOUR money in order to create more of those $50k a year jobs, think again. The minimum wage would not be under $18 a hour right now if that were even half-way true.
Also, that is $4,000 a year TIMES millions of people that doesn’t go back into the economy in the form of an investment in this nation, but into off-shoring and bleeding jobs out of the country, into excessive executive bonuses, and into jamming the excess into off-shore banks in order for them to AVOID paying taxes, which leaves you stuck with their bills.
The reason your taxes keep going up is because the main people who benefit the most from corporate “welfare” pay less taxes and that makes you have to pay more to subsidize them AND pay the bills that they generate without your permission.
Well, the bills have to be paid, regardless, in order to keep America from becoming just another Third World Country with people in extreme poverty; and also to keep it operating and flowing maximally enough to afford others the same opportunities that you have had.
Not enough of your bill goes to ‘the circumstantially poor’ to make a difference in your tax payments even if you yourself could starve every poor child, non-working person who can’t find work, and every senior citizen and disabled person in America entirely to death.
All a tax cut from the poor does it turn it over to the $4,000 corporate subsidy bill, which gives them $5,000 to $6,000 a year instead.
With all of the tax breaks they’ve gotten in the past, one would be inclined to think America would have an overflow and ABUNDANCE of jobs just busting at the seashore seams for the asking and taking. Well…
It didn’t happen, and it never will, even after decades of corporate subsidies that were allegedly supposed to do just that.
Stop the Bleed on your tax bill.
Cutting off the corporate subsidies for the rich is $4,000 a year back into YOUR pocket for that ONE family Disney vacation or cruise, which must be far more important than their many luxury cruises to the South of France.
Don’t cry for the “aristocracy”: They won’t be anything close to broke without yours, or without anyone else’s for that matter, corporate subsidy monies.
They’ll just have to learn how to take five vacations a year instead of 10 or more, especially since you, Mr and Ms Taxpayer, are the ones paying for their entitlements.
***Fractional reserve banking is nothing more than the governments and corporations being allowed to write bad checks at YOUR expense.***