UIMD: Meditation Not Medication

by | Sep 23, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…

Conspiracy Theory Central says “Vaccines administered to Black children are THE leading cause of mental health conditions and problems, particularly school shots that are supposed to stave off measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), polio, and even whooping cough.”

Doctors (WEBMd) and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) beg to differ, a little; but not really. They are sketchy about whether or not they know for sure themselves.

Common sense A) There are more cases of autism now than there ever were in the history of the nation; and a lot of overt mental health problems seem to be highly concentrated in poor Black areas around the nation just as the EBOLA virus (the strain without a cure that applies only to melanated people) seems to contain itself to Black people in Africa.

Common sense B) Measles, mumps and rubella and polio -once common childhood viral infections- have been under control for a long time, so what are the chances that it would come back now, from out of nowhere? (seemingly)


Common sense C) Is an ounce of prevention really worth a pound of cure?

If you have to be shot up with the disease in order to build up an immunity against it, what’s to stop the disease from building up an immunity against the de-activated disease used to defend against it?

Then there’s the other side of this story …

over-medicated adults; especially disabled people, people with mental health conditions, senior citizens, and anybody who is not in a life-threatening position of danger.

All too often, the cure is worse than the disease or condition itself.

We get it. Holistic therapies are not a cure-all and can even be dangerous if people think they can slick by radiation and chemotherapy with an event of cancer or any life-threatening illness.

We also get this: Anything made in a lab is found in nature and has little to none of the side effects of chemical add-ins.


This is not medical advice, it is a fact. Don’t use holistic treatments when you seriously NEED pharmaceutical medication, it could kill you to deny yourself what is available; but also be aware that chemically manufactured treatments build up toxins in the body that are sloughed off by the natural processes of body chemistry.

The more toxins are going in, the better the chances are of having to take in more toxins from other medications to get rid of those toxins, thus weakening the body’s defenses against a whole lot of other health problems, viruses, and diseases.

It is a revolving door cycle that never ends and could make things worse instead of better.

Just be aware, #thatisall.


The Children of Heru

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