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UIMD: Looters Ain’t Got Nothing on Wall Street | Urban Intellectuals

UIMD: Looters Ain’t Got Nothing on Wall Street

by | Sep 20, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…

A ruse is something that happens when an action is planned to intentionally deceive or trick someone. It’s a decoy-type activity meant to draw and deflect another person’s attention away from the true goal and make them think about something else while the true intention is kept hidden.

We talk about distractions every day. Ruses.

Things like flack being raised with Black Christian women about the horror of Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood that was allegedly started with the idea in mind of Black genocide.


Turns out Sanger’s only thought was about protecting poor women of all races from men who thought it their inherent right to sexually impose themselves on women and knock them up, and not give a care about how much women not having choices and the say-so about their bodies was doing more harm than good. Also turns out it was a Black man whose name we won’t mention at the moment who consorted with ‘certain whites of the genocidal ilk’ to turn Sanger’s demands for the protection of women into a “those poor Blacks shouldn’t be allowed to breed” rant.

Things like Black women joining forces with white women to “burn bras and demand the right to work” back in the 1960s and 1970s when Black women never had a right NOT to work. It was required of a Black woman, even to the detriment of her own child/ren while tending to the children of a white woman too lazy to care for her own. The cause of Black equality and liberation was lost behind the noise of white women’s lib.

Things like using racism as leverage to “divide and conquer” the masses by keeping them so focused on which race was better genetically, and which race was getting more advantages on the work-a-day playing field … just for us to discover we were ALL being screwed to the walls.

You can trust that there are more folks who, because of the “ruse” of racism, will vote against their own best interests, which keeps the same race-mongering oligarchs in power who are the very ones bleeding them dry behind the scenes.

But, yeah – do worry about that nickel and dime you just lost while “the powers that be” are screaming SEE THERE! BLACK PEOPLE ARE ALWAYS STEALING! BLACK PEOPLE LIE! BLACK PEOPLE CHEAT! BLACK PEOPLE …wakkettyyakkttybaakkbaakkk!!!

Like they don’t steal, lie, cheat, and even murder themselves.

This ruse gives them plenty of time, leverage, and just the distracting disorder and chaos they need to prove that you, Mr. Small Persnickety Arrogant White Man, are more of a sucker than Black people ever were. You think that depreciated TV set or over-priced watch or them couple of bucks was something to behold?

Wait until you see what the racemongers did to your stock market retirement portfolio and savings and bank accounts and investments that not one Black man ever had his hands on, and probably wouldn’t touch if he could.

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