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UI Financial: Black Dollars Mission #1 | Urban Intellectuals

UI Financial: Black Dollars Mission #1

by | Sep 3, 2014 | Business | 0 comments

Hello UI. This is the first in a new series on Urban Intellectuals called “UI Financial”.

In our community there is a lack of economic responsibility as well as a lack of funds. There is also a general idea that money is not important and that we will never have the funds that we deserve because of white America. This cannot be further from the truth. The truth is that we are in more control than what you think. The problem is that we have listened to too many so called “Conscious” blacks telling us that money is not important and that it doesn’t matter. This lie has poisoned the intelligent black community leaving possibly our top money earners to believe that their efforts are in vain. If this is so then why do the wealthy do any and everything to keep the money flowing in? If it were only a tool and nothing more then why are WE the only group being led away from it and what it can bring us?

I have seen this BS for what it is and have decided that enough was enough. We have been duped to the point that considering the debts to money and owned assets, blacks in this country are only worth around 43 billion dollars as a whole.Some people have that in checking alone. It’s time to take ownership of our finances… Our homes… Land… Resources, and other assets that will change the dynamic of wealth in our country.

We can protest and cry all we want in this life, but the cold fact is that if we do not effect the bottom line of profit in America all our cries of inequality and injustice will all on deaf ears. Sorry but you are a fool if you are waiting on the kindness of white people for your survival, and you are a bigger fool if you are waiting on others to honor your human rights for the sake of good. It may not be the way things should be, but it is the way things are. Don’t martyr yourself or your family because you are trying to live an existence that does not exist. Protect yourself and the people you love with the financial security that financial freedom brings. Don’t be fooled out of your wealth and truly be heard. The saying “Money talks” is a true one, so let’s force this to listen.

Lesson 1: Credit is something that is needed more so than most people think. Not only does this effect your ability to get a redit card, but also a house, a job and many other things that are needed in this reality that we live in. Everyday our disenfranchised search hi and low for employment. The sad fact is that one of the main reasons that people are not hired in the US is due to a low credit score. From an HR stand point they see it a a lack of responsibility by not handeling your finances. However unfair it may be it is the truth. Another credit folly occurs when it comes to home buying. I know that you are thinking “Thats why I don’t even want a house”. However you must not only think of yourself but also your child’s education. We all want the best for our kids. However they cannot attend the better schools, if you are not living in the better neighborhoods. Again not as things should be… But it’s what they are.

Make the first step to bettering your life and the life of your family… FIX YOUR CREDIT!!! The first step is to obtain a SECURE LINE OF CREDIT. Or a secure credit card. You can get one of these no matter how low your score is. The rate will be high and your limit will be low but it’s a start. Next make sure that you have a healthy balance on your card at the end of the month. This will give the reporting bureaus the time to place the debt on your report. At month’s end MAKE A TIMELY PAYMENT. You don’t have to pay it off but make sure that it is on time and not a day late. This action will be reported to your credit report as a debt that wasE paid on time and you will recive an increase in score for it. After a year or so of on time payment you will have earned enough credit history to obtain a unsecure credit card which carry higher balances and lower rates. Use the new card in the same way to further increase the score.

This is only 1 step toward your financial freedom. There are many more that need to be taken so please continue to follow us on the journey to make ur dollars count. We can’t keep this mindset of poverty and lacking financial freedom lest our worth be nothing in the eyes of the world. Say what you want but everyone has a dollar amount, and everything can be quantified… Even human beings. Increase your number and be accounted for and heard. To all who read this until the next time and Make Money… Not Excuses.

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