UI’s Chase Harris Shakes Up Hair Industry By Helping Black Women Profit.

by | Sep 26, 2018 | Business | 0 comments

It is important that you know we are not in love with hair extensions, we are in love with the business of hair extensions! Our black women spend $56 Billion Dollars a year on hair, yet black women (or men for that matter) make less than 1% of that. Urban Intellectual’s own Chase Harris is flipping the hair industry upside down so that black women (and men) can profit.

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Chase Harris presented Urban Intellectual’s Black History Cards on TV One’s Sister Circle and WGN. He is well versed in business and we support what he is doing for black women.

Lets think about this on an economic scale. If we were able to get 10% of the $56 Billion that we spend on hair with Koreans, take it and put it in our pockets, we can then begin to see more ownership in the black community. Chase is not asking you to purchase hair from him instead of the Koreans.

This is about economics, business, and opportunity. Chase is saying that you can purchase hair in bulk at a low price and resell it for profit. This is BIG BUSINESS. If your know friends, family, co-workers, and etc that purchase hair, they should be buying it from you and not a Korean Beauty Supply Store.

Some of us struggle to pay bills, mortgages, rent, car notes, and etc. Some of us want to do things such as go on vacation, pay our children’s tuition, invest in real estate and more. Opportunity is all around you, and hair can be the break that you are looking for.

To learn more information, go to HairShipment.com

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