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Trump Uses Racial Slur Against Senator Elizabeth Warren, Twitter Slammed Him HARD | Urban Intellectuals

Trump Uses Racial Slur Against Senator Elizabeth Warren, Twitter Slammed Him HARD

by | May 1, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Trump uses racist and sexist language almost flippantly, like the racist white uncle stereotype but the problem is this man runs the United States apparently!

In this case he has been racially slurring Senator Elizabeth Warren, who says she is part native, throughout his campaign and now in the POTUS position he decided to do it again.

There has been a lot of talk as to whether Warren is native or not. She says her family maintain they are part Cherokee and Delaware BUT whether that be true or not is definitely not the issue here.

Trump made a comment that he may be running against Warren in 2020 and he referred to her as Pocahontas…. Not fake-native or anything like that, he used Pocahontas, as a slur AND yes that’s racist.

Pres. Trump insinuates that he might be running against Sen. Warren for the presidency in 2020: “It may be Pocahontas, remember that.”
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) April 28, 2017

Twitter was obviously having none of it, this is outrageous and should be called out for what it is! Distractify rounded up a few of the responses which you can see below:

Trump calling Warren Pocahontas is racist. We kind of gloss over it at this point. But this is the president being racist.
— Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) April 28, 2017

@Chet_Cannon @Tenflare @samsteinhp If Trump had called Warren a “fake native,” that would be equivalent and arguably justified. He didn’t. He used a slur. Why is this hard?
— Patrick S. Tomlinson (@stealthygeek) April 29, 2017

@NBCNightlyNews It’s not a “pejorative nickname.” It’s a slur. Period.
— Tallman Trask (@TallmanIV) April 28, 2017

@ABCPolitics Thinking the better headline might have been “POTUS uses racial slur against Senator.” But hey, maybe that’s just me.
— Paws (#44) (@Cognac4Paws) April 28, 2017

@samsteinhp Mr Stein, I’d like to point out one thing: whenever Trump calls Sen. Warren ‘Pocahontas’ he proves that he is not fit to serve as Pres. (1)
— Reece Bridger (@Reece_Bridger) April 28, 2017

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