Trump Supporter Urges “Patriots” To Shoot Black Women And Children

by | Aug 16, 2016 | Politics News | 6 comments

Trump supporter Jim Stachowiak is calling on “patriots” to take on the Black Lives Matter movement. Stachowiak called “patriots” to action, saying that the Black Lives Matter movement is a “domestic terrorist organization” that’s “finding an excuse to loot stores owners, homes, and endangering the public at large.”

He went on to say, after ranting about President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, that anyone rioting should be shot on suspicion of “looting.”

“I don’t care if they’re women and children, anyone coming out of a store should be shot on site,” he said. “They should be shot exiting the store. If they make it down the street, take their asses out and shoot them in the back.”

I’ll be honest with you. I know that presidents are selected and not elected. This entire government is full of sh%t but I’m sure I’m telling you something that you already know. But with this election, the racist white people are coming to the forefront. What scares me is that they all seem to have guns. After watching this video, I think it is important that everyone gets their carry and conceal license.

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  1. Paul Weary

    If he was a caring citizen he should not ask this question but report it himself. The more reports the better.

  2. Mecca Sheridan

    Huh!! He is totally on point! Nothing will be ill conceived if it’s true! We are all allowed to bear arms!! My grandma had 8 boys never jailed and there are many more like us!!

    • No Love for Racist

      You bitch, the only terrorist that ever existed in America have pig skin and wear Nazi symbols while holding holding an American Flag (like a fucking idiot… Didn’t America fight Nazis in World War II? But you are a “Patriot” that is pro-nazi… yall are the dumbest group of people that ever existed)

  3. Gregory

    That’s what I’m talking about you have a brain to think for yourself you have a consciousness inside of you just like every other human being so there’s no way that a news channel or a radio talkshow can make you feel and act any other way than what’s already in you. These people are doing exactly what they were taught and what they believe playlist simple. All I know is black people we better get ourselves together we better stop buying into the bullshit we better start giving away all of our wealth to these companies that he does with the passion we better start treating each other respectful no big I’s. no little u’s but just one group of people. There is a portion of black people in America that I’ve been fortunate enough to make tons and tons of money but they do not reach back and help the other black people that are trying to make it and that is our problem.

  4. lesley melendez

    this needs to be reported to the authorities. will you do that for us?


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