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Trump Speculates That The Media Is Covering Up Terrorist Attacks | Urban Intellectuals

Trump Speculates That The Media Is Covering Up Terrorist Attacks

by | Feb 7, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

President Trump is speaking out of his backside again with no evidence as he now accuses the media of not reporting on terror attacks, hinting that they have an agenda to cover them up!

Now, I am no fan of the mainstream media (mostly TV media such as Fox and CNN) and in fact I think they are more likely to ignore positive actions at times (such as the 20 million Muslims marching againts ISIS) but I think if you read the decent papers you will find the bulk of attacks reported on, considering there may be 1000s of attacks each year some can’t get the main headline. However, every “Muslim” attack on home soil gets extensively covered.

Some domestic terror attacks get treated with lighter fingers. At the end of the day Trump’s claim assumes there is some conspiracy to make him look bad, or that’s how it seems…. So, what did he say?

He was speaking to the U.S. Central Command on Monday and made the comment:

“You’ve seen what happened in Paris, and Nice. All over Europe, it’s happening,” he said to the assembled military leaders.

“It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even being reported.

And in many cases the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it. They have their reasons, and you understand that.”

This is very dangerous comments from a man in his position, one that many will take as truth and believe fully, one many will never bother researching (like countless other claims such as the fact that Obama put a 6-month ban on Iraqis…. Again not true!

Read more on The WP.

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