Trump Refuses To Answer How His Requirement For Muslims To Register Is Different To Jews Registering In Nazi Germany!

by | Nov 11, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

We are all waiting for the mask to come off, for the joke to be revealed! Were we stupid enough to actually vote for such a man! However the prankster president-elect has decided to keep the joke going way beyond comfort zone and now is actually in a position to start the process of enacting some of his deplorable policies.

On Thursday evening he was asked by an NBC news reporter on wheter all muslims in the USA should be forced to register. No back tracking here…. He said that he would “would certainly implement that — absolutely.” and, “They have to be,”… “They have to be.’’

The registration of any group of peoples is absolutely very dangerous territory to cross into. And of course it has whiffs of Nazi Germany, where Jews were required to register.


When pressed about the differences with his plan to rules imposed in Nazi Germany (which clearly have no organisation or coherent plan at this stage) he said “You tell me,”, he kept repeating this until he just stopped answering.

HOLY SHIT, there isn’t much comforting news coming out of this at the moment.

I think I have to accept this is not a joke, he isn’t going to stop. The threat is very very real!

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