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Did Trump “Leak” His Own Taxes To Distract You From ALL THIS? | Urban Intellectuals

Did Trump “Leak” His Own Taxes To Distract You From ALL THIS?

by | Mar 16, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Trump’s supposed leaked tax return came an an opportune time to push all the other media out of the way, put the travel ban aside, ignore various things that actually matter and push a story about returns from 11 years ago! A waste of everyone’s time and proof of absolutely nothing.

So, what happened while the news was all about those returns…. According to the Independent, this happened:

How convenient for Donald Trump, who has a lot of news he’d like to bury. Trumpcare is a political disaster. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is accused of using a fake email address to admit climate change is real (and help Exxon deny it for profit). He’s gutting the federal government in what’s being termed a “reorganisation.”

They also point put previous times Trump distracted the world such as:

But Trump has become a master manipulator of the media, who makes sure these outrageous statements or leaked returns become the only story they cover for days. When journalists began zoning in on possible Russian connections, Trump claimed President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. He picked a fight with the cast of Hamilton when he settled a $25m class-action lawsuit for fraud. When unemployment figures ticked slightly up, Trump tweeted about his erstwhile show, Celebrity Apprentice and its new host Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Read more here in the Independent.

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