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Why Has Trump Canceled His National African American History Museum MLK Day Visit? | Urban Intellectuals

Why Has Trump Canceled His National African American History Museum MLK Day Visit?

by | Jan 15, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Trump was due to visit the Smithsonian National African American History Museum on Martin Luther King Day but has now backed with his transition team citing unspecified scheduling issues!

This all seems a bit inconvenient, surely he should be trying to mend bad blood with the African American community but that would be just wishful thinking, wouldn’t it?

Unspecified scheduling issues sounds very suspect and while we can only begin to imagine why his team made such a decision you do have to wonder if this ongoing argument with John Lewis, a man who marched with King and has been a 16-term congressman.

The Huffington Post reported on the feud:

It began when Lewis said in an interview with NBC News that he does not feel that Trump is a “legitimate president.” That is when Trump unleashed his Twitter fury, claiming that Lewis was nothing but “talk, talk, talk, no action or results.”

Trump went on to say that Lewis’ district in Georgia is “in horrible shape and falling apart,” which is not actually true. The district is home to more than one Fortune 500 company, such as Coca-Cola and Delta Airlines, as well as Emory University, Georgia Tech and Atlanta’s airport.

Lewis has stated that he will not be attending Trump’s inauguration along with several Democrat lawmakers. Mike Pence has said that he hopes Lewis will reconsider and join them on Inauguration Day.

It was Lewis that introduced the legislation to found the museum back in 1988. He had to push for it for 15 years before he got President George W. Bush to sign it into law.

The museum has photos of Lewis speaking at the March on Washington in 1961 as well as his mugshot from his arrest during the Freedom Rides.


Do you think this is the reason he has delayed his visit?

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