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Top 5 Myths about God & the Bible | Urban Intellectuals

Top 5 Myths about God & the Bible

by | Jun 21, 2014 | Opinion | 2 comments

Let’s jump right into it and spare ourselves a little time and irrelevant over-explanation.

There are plenty of folks around who know that we could all write volumes on “Bible myths,” and I think I am one of several who have heard them over and over since I came to know the Lord in 1979.

Here are the Top 5 Bible Myths that I have heard before and since I was ordained into the ministry in June of 2013.

[INTRODUCTION TO “The God Genome“]

1 How did Adam & Eve’s children populate the planet when they had only two sons, Cain and Abel, and since Abel murdered his only brother, leaving only the parents and the one son on the planet?

That kind of thinking means that the only woman Abel had to impregnate was his own mother, and how could he have done that when he was banished and separated from them?

Adam & Eve had a third son, Seth.

Cain, Abel and Seth were not Adam & Eve’s only sons, or their only children. They had more sons and daughters over time.

There is no time frame in which these men and their children were having more children, and since we know that most of them lived to be more than 700 years old, it is highly probable that they were reproducing with sisters and distant female cousins. Men rarely ever lose their ability to reproduce, though women do get to an age where they are too old to bear children.

Keep in mind that Sarah, Abraham’s wife, was also his half-sister; so he did not exactly lie when he said “She is my sister.”

It is much easier to say that Seth’s wife/wives came from one of his sisters (Adam & Eve’s other children) or from a (few) distant female cousins. The same went for Abel–even after he was banished from Eden.

It is easy to dismiss the Bible as untrue because of the story of Adam & Eve and Cain & Abel, if you don’t read it thoroughly, and if you don’t keep it in context with the times and spirit in which it was given.

Indeed, if the people who make this statement had actually read the Bible, they would know the answer to this myth rests in Genesis 4:25-5:1-5

2 Wasn’t Adam’s first or second wife a demon goddess, or the Queen of Demons, named Lilith?

There is a set of pagan goddesses named Liliths mentioned in the Bible, but only once in Isaiah 34:14.

Only people with fantastic sex addictions and fetishes make up stories about these succubae-type characters for their own personal lust factories.

No, Adam never had a wife named “Lilith,” according to the actual Bible itself. His one and only wife was named Eve.

This is what Isaiah 34:14 says “And desert creatures will meet with hyenas, and goat-demons will call out to each other. There also Liliths will settle, and find for themselves a resting place.” This is the only place where “liliths” are mentioned in the Bible.

Liliths. Plural. There was more than one of them and they had a group name; as did the goat-demons, also known as Satyrs. Liliths are also known as “night creatures.” There was no Lilith, there were several liliths. That was a title for these creatures, not the name of a wife of Adam’s.

3 Edom, otherwise known as Esau (Jacob’s twin brother), were “red-skinned” people who are now known as ‘white’ people.


Esau and Jacob were twins; twin brothers. Jacob, later called “Israel,” and Esau, later called “Edom,” were both Black men.

If there was any red coloring to Edom’s skin, it was not “white-pink blood red,” it was “deep sienna coarse red” (like we would think of the indigenous Indian culture). He was also described as more “hairy” than his brother, but it had nothing to do with white-skinned hairy “cave people.”

From Esau came the Arabic people of Edom, and from Jacob came the Hebrew people of Israel.

The children of these twin brothers have been at war with one another since they began to have children of their own. Like these Black and Hebrew men, the children of Cain and Seth also clashed, outside of Eden.

The fights were typically over inheritance/land ownership rights; but the day did come when the Arabs enslaved and sold off their own brother’s children (and their distant cousins), the Israelites, or ‘children of Israel’.

They sold them off before Egypt, they sold them off TO Egyptians.

They eventually sold them off to the highest bidder after helping the Assyrians to destroy Judah itself, which resulted in the transAtlantic slave passage, or the “diasporas” of the generations of our own closest forefathers.

That movement (slavery) transported the peoples of Persia, Media (midianites, the Medes), the Far East (Orientals), and of the Mesopotamian areas (mainly Canaan) over and through Ethiopia and on over to West and South Africa, where our ancestors where sold off to the Europeans, eventually becoming slaves in the Americas and other European-dominated lands west of our original East.

As to the stories about where white people came from, it is most assuredly certain that they are a relatively “new” people on Earth, no more than 12,000 years old, if that.

According to some, white-skinned people were created in a skin-grafting lab experiment by a Black scientist by the name of Yakub. Others say that they are Africans who mutated into white-skinned people by transferring themselves out of the hot sub-Saharan nations in Africa, and pushing up further north past Turkey and Assyria, and into the frozen tundra of the Caucasus Mountains. Because of the lack of sunlight most days and the freezing cold and rain, in which they ate raw animals and wrapped themselves in animal skins, becoming “overly-friendly” with land beasts, they lost the pigmentation (most, but not all, of the melanin) in their skin coloring and their hair texture and eyes ‘weakened’ or ‘lightened up’ because of this. To hear them tell it in their own way (in stories like “Walking with Cavemen),” they actually originated with apes and monkeys in those caves in the Caucasus Mountains. With this, man of them seem to be more comfortable than actually admitting that they only exist because of Black people in African countries.

Either way any of these stories go, the maximum time the white-skinned people have been on earth, even by their own admission beginning in Greece and Rome, is 12,000 years tops.

Black people were most definitely on the planet nearly 200,000 years before they were.

Alkebulan/Africa was not called “the dark continent” because someone forgot to turn on the lights. And it was most DEFINITELY not because it lacked nearly total sunlight as did the frozen Caucasus Mountains further north.

Indeed, Edom was not a white man as it is believed. He was Israel’s twin brother.

4 God created man to be “gods” like Him. This is what God meant when He said “Let us make man in our image.”


One of humanity’s biggest mistakes has been in his own belief that he was or is a “god” of some kind. This is Egyptian mythology, so “n our image,” (in our likeness) most certainly does not mean “god-like.”

The closest creation has come to being god-like are the angels themselves; so speaking of god-likeness, let’s begin there.

If we read the Bible, there is a story that harks back to the beginning about where Satan and his demonic cohorts came from.

They were once angels, Satan himself was the chief angel.

He was once called Lucifier Son of the Morning, and has since become Beelzebul, or Beelzebub, son of darkness.

His companions have all kinds of names, such as “Stench,” “Wretched,” “Wench,” “Incubus,” “Succubus,” and “Mare,” amongst many others like them. They also have their liliths and satyrs that they created; their own mythological gods.

As we know, Satan and his angels made “war” in heaven -attempting to overthrow the throne of God Himself. They lost that war and kicked out of the Heavenly of Heavenlies.

Ever since then, they have made war with the children of men/mankind; and they also inspire the children of men to continually make war with one another.

That is true to this very day.

From the very beginning of time, mankind/humanity has also had a serious god-complex.

Eve’s own belief that she would be “like God…knowing everything that God knows” caused her to bite from a piece of the fruit of the one tree in the Garden of Eden that she was told not to touch.

This need to be “god-like” has caused ego issues, arrogance, and a murderous spirit (the spirit of jealousy) to dwell amongst us ever since. It is because we were not designed to be “gods,” we were created “in the image of God.” It may be safe to assume that that means God has a “body” like ours, or at least eyes to see, ears to hear, and a mind and spirit to think and love and believe and trust, like us. But we were never meant to BE God, or gods, or even goddesses.

Those beliefs stem out of Egyptian teachings, where pagan gods were introduced to mankind before God set Abraham apart and told him that he (and his children and children’s children) would take the lead in correcting man’s erroneous trajectory and pointing the correct compass direction back to the one and only God that Adam & Eve once knew.

The god-complex of Egyptological origins, even the need to make ourselves gods and idols from wood and stone and other material goods after Eve initially disobeyed God, is definitive observable empirical evidence that there is a God.

If we know we are not gods, we try to create gods, or idols, even money and ‘statesmanship’ in different countries, to pay homage and pledge allegiance to.

This continuous need to be gods or make gods and symbolic idols (i.e., golden calves) for ourselves to worship has led to one human failure and shortcoming after another.

It is a burning bridge, this non-stop feeling that we have to ‘lord it over’ others (E- G- O-); that we are better than other people (arrogance), or that there is a social hierarchy -though the Bible tells us that being called as a Leader does not mean that we have the right to be a ‘respecter’ of persons (God Himself is not a respecter of persons, the Bible tells us).

We act in the spirit of Eve under temptation — in continual disobedience.

Continual disobedience, trying to be “like God” or wiser than God, as Eve once believed she would, can only result in our continually being subjected to evil and the whims and fancies of others who were here before even we, in this day and age, were born.

Humility is expedient, with one another and with God. That is the foundation principle of the Ten Commandments: Humility.

1 Corinthians 3:19
Worldly Wisdom is Foolishness to God
19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS”; 20 and again, “THE LORD KNOWS THE REASONINGS of the wise, THAT THEY ARE USELESS.”…

There is no God.

The empirical evidence slated by the world’s most well-known science community defies and dispels any disbelief in God.

In various schools of philosophical thought and science, including mathematics/chemistry, you must have “givens” in order to begin to postulate a hypothetical theory about anything and everything.

Empirical evidence is formulated by observation and experimentation. The ideas of empirical evidence begin with questions, and the gathered and collected data from these assumptions and questions must not be “flawed” or “biased.”

Since that is the case, science knocks itself out of the game; because it’s all flawed and biased. That leaves nothing else except observation and experimentation.

Observe this: The Hotel Dubai is the largest man-made facility on the planet since the World Trade Center came down. If it is so easily destroyed, snapped and blown away on earth like a twig in the wind, where would anyone get the idea -even in science- that the entire planet and the universe and galaxy in which it resides just “fell into place” from a “big boom” and nothing else explains the world’s and humanity’s beginnings.

Science itself says this is impossible and cannot happen.

A hypothesis, which sets off scientific investigation under empirical study, is nothing more than an “educated guess.”

Even doctors, afters years of studying both the living and the dead in the plant, animal and humanity kingdoms, are loathe to say “There is no God.”

Scientific hypothesis, or even a ‘working’ hypothesis, says it’s impossible to come to such a conclusion that “there is no God.” By all that is observable and evidenced, the very idea of no God is totally illogical.

As the Times of the Gentiles come to a close and Black people in the Diasporas begin to gather up the evidence that sets them back into their own history in place and time in the world, it is time to rid ourselves once and for all of the myths about God and the Bible that have persisted throughout our times.

The Bible itself is not a “white man’s book.” Its scrolls (reports and letters/epistles) were written by Hebrew (and therefore Black) men, and a few Black women before they were translated into Latin and then English.

It is “the Black history book of the world.”

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  1. Lamont Taylor

    I posted the question on fb but I guess I can post it here it…..what about the myth of the tree in the garden and the fruit?

    • Reneegede

      All myths are rooted in some kind of truth.

      The truth in the ‘tree in the garden and the fruit’ (the allegory, the story, whether real or not) is a referral to the root of our being and knowledge, our souls–and in the way that we digest and ingest what we hear and see.

      Our powers of reception and our willingness to obey God is the real point of the Garden and the Fruit, whether it was a literal story or not.


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