TODAY Voters Of Color Can Save America

by | Nov 8, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

As Americans take to the polls today the future of the nation will be in their hands. The trouble is, down to the wire, there are two potential outcomes, Donald Trump, a potential maniac, and Hilary Clinton, not the most loved lady on the planet!

Trump under any circumstance will be disastrous. YET white men will vote for him, in droves, they don’t want their white male power balance interrupted.


We also can’t forget that if, that is, IF, we as a country really wanted, there could be a third party nominee win, such as Jill Stein from the Green Party! However, no one really seems to be entertaining such an idea.

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People of Color, blacks, latinxs and resident immigrants can sway this election and Jim Wallis wrote an interesting piece in the Huff Post.

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Here is an excerpt.

It is very likely that if Trump is defeated this week, it will be because people of color and perhaps half of white women stood up against his racial and gender bigotry. If only white people could vote, Donald Trump would win the election in a landslide—and if only white men voted he would probably carry all 50 states. Think about that for a moment—especially if you are a white person who opposes Donald Trump. And, even worse, it is unlikely that the majority of white Christian men will be voting any differently than the majority of other white men. Think about what utter hypocrisy that is: their Christian identity makes no challenge to their white identity. Deeply disheartening.

If Trump is defeated, it will be because people of color (including millions of Christians) saved all Americans from what a Trump presidency would mean for America.

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I find that morally astonishing and stunning. In fact, it will be poetic and justice if it turns out that Trump’s presidential ambitions were doomed to failure by his insults about Mexican immigrants on the very day he launched his campaign, and his promotion of racist birtherism against our nation’s first black President that marked his emergence as a political figure. How ironic that would be: if the racial bigotry that began his political career and defined the speech that launched his campaign were to undo his ultimate candidacy—from the start. What would that teach us about the new America in the making?

Read the full piece here.

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