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Were Things Better When Coon Chicken Inn Was Around? | Urban Intellectuals

Were Things Better When Coon Chicken Inn Was Around?

by | Nov 17, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

A lot of opinions are swarming about Trump and his presidency and some people in the community are saying some controversial things. IT’s reminding me of the scene from a movie.

In the 2001 movie Ghostworld Steve Buscemi plays a character called Seymour. He works for a fictional company called Cooks Chicken.

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Edith, played by Thora Birch, comes across a racist characteur of a black faced man in Seymour’s house, she asks what it is and he explains that before Cooks was Cooks it was Coons Chicken Inn.

Cooks is a made up place BUT in the 1920s Coons was a real place, it’s door adorned with a giant black face, you had to walk through the mouth into the restaurant.

Of course today, that would never be ok!

Edith asks if things were better then and Seymour says, well maybe not, but it was complicated…. Watch the clip below and we’ll continue this frame of thought.

First off, the clip above is from a fictional movie and of course white people discussing if it was better for black people in the 20s is not really relevant.

However, there have been some comments recently about Trump and the fact that his open faced racism may actually be better for black people in America than the previously concealed version, the one hidden behind bullsh*t laws, the sly and underhanded racism.

At least with open racists, dealing with them is easy. David Banner said he things that Trump’s Presidency is the best thing to happen to black people, A satirical slot on the Daily show echoes this idea.

This is a time where racism is extremely open, maybe not more than before but more visible. It’s also a time when it can be tackled, right? To get rid of a snake you need to get it out from under the porch, it’s dangerous hiding under there?


The talking point is an interesting one, were things better when racism was out in the open in the 20s? Of course not, not at all! But the subsequent years of underhanded racism against POCs in America has not been working so well… Maybe David Banner is right, maybe there is a real opportunity now.

What do you think?

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