Read ’em The “No-Trump” Riot Act: How Racism in America Underscored Donald Trump’s Chaotic Rise

by | Mar 20, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments

Since I was a little girl, I have experienced racism in America going back as far as 1959. That isn’t where it started, of course, but that’s as far back as I go.

I have ridden behind COLORED signs on city buses, have had to go in to stores where Blacks were limited to the basements of white people’s “rejects” and throwaways as the only clothes we could buy, attended a segregated school, went through integration only to watch the schools become re-segregated again because whites simply could not deal with the damage they had inflicted on Black people. As a teen and as an adult, I have experienced wholesale racism in my educational experiences and in my work-life. Not sometimes, but damned near every day of my life during any encounter with a white person.

There has never been such a thing as a “post-racial” America, and I am certain that I am among many who can tell a myriad of stories, personally experienced and through and about others, about white racism against Black skin. All people have been the victims of some type of prejudice or bias, but there is only ONE race of people in the USA who have been the victims and targets of skin color racists.

America purports to be such a “great” country, but those of us who have had to live as black people in this nation know better than that. It is not now, nor has it ever been a great country, and it likely never will be. Thanks to their election of Donald Trump, the doors to any possibility of that happening are permanently closed. Without an outright miracle of God, America missed its window of opportunity to be a great nation a long time ago.

Their own racism was what gave them a “travesty of justice” like OJ Simpson in the 1990s, hundreds of years after their own skin color had lynched thousands of Black people, bragged about it and walked away from the crime like it was nothing.

Their own racism gave them white institutions that refuse to acknowledge Black people exist, let alone are smart, talented and capable. Their own racism caused them to hide the fact that a group of Black women [computers] put a white man on the moon and got him home safely, thus laying the groundwork for future space exploration.

Their own racism is what causes them to believe, that with white institutions to recognize their own beauty and talent and skills, that it is all of a sudden “racist” for a Black person to do the same in order to recognize our own beauty and talent and skills. The only difference is that we have to tag our organizations, if there is no tag on it, such as “Black” or “African American,” it is presumed to be a white apartheid-oriented type of American organization or there would be no need for a separate one for us.

Their own racism gave them the right to live off our slave labor and ultimately off our income and property taxes while simultaneously attempting to block any benefit that we might derive from the millions of hours of hard work that we put into this nation mostly with no to little pay.

Yes slavery still exists.

They make exceptions for slavery for people in jails and prisons and then set the laws so that it is mostly Black and colored people who end up in prison and in jail for longer periods of time regardless of what white-organized crimes they committed. Yet, America is not supposed to have slaves any more BY ACTION OF LAW. They need to be made to pay prisoners minimum wages in order to earn the funds to pay their fines and to have any other monies left over to use when they get out, IF they get out.

We’ve watched and seen and heard about and read about nearly 500 years of racial injustice in America, and some of us have become so ingrained that we are in denial about it while others of us have absorbed so much of the shock that we have become what they are, even when it comes to each other. We racially degrade and denigrate one another based on what white people served us.


Lately, there has been much talk about how racist President Barack Obama was, and how he divided and racially polarized a country that “didn’t see color” until he came along.

However, that is easy to say for a white person who has never experienced racism and never will; and that is an easy thing to formulate by Black people who have lived in denial about it even when whites have done something racist to them and then convinced them that it didn’t happen. Yet, while they claimed he was racist as they said and did racist things TO him, President Obama could not even make the exact same moves as Ronald Reagan without being called out of his name. His wife was ridiculed, his children were ridiculed, he was ridiculed, and ALL of it was straight out the Jim Crow Museum.

Barack Obama was not born when my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and great-great-grandparents were here enduring American racism, yet somehow, their racist notions managed to turn President Obama into the racist in their irrational minds; and to this day, they still can’t keep his name out of their mouths.

On all levels, from churches and cemeteries, to neighborhoods, schools, colleges, hospitals, prisons, jails, doctor’s offices, retail stores, even in the buying of red-lined homes and cars, in the voting lines, in the workplace, and everywhere else … EVERYTHING in this nation is race-based.

America was built on racism, it survived on racism, it thrived on racism, and to this very day, nothing has really changed from the time I was a little girl.

They can Obama-blame all they want, but this nation’s race issues started long before he was born, and they are obviously going to be a fact of life here in America long after he is dead an gone.

America has been a filthball and scumbag of racist activity from its inception. This “anti-immigrant” stance is also anti-Black, and President Obama’s presence did nothing but prove out what we have been saying all along.

They made for themselves a pussy-grabbing, whoremongering, lying, thieving, conniving, misogynist despot and demagogue for a king in order not to allow that a Black man excelled above and beyond in America. Their own racism is what allows them to believe that Barack Obama was as they are when they cannot point to one single solitary policy of his in eight years that hurt white-skinned people.

Let them go the way they have chosen to go.

It shall not be a hindrance to us because we have seen Trump’s kind before, and even worse than him. His racism is a joke, all things considered. Time has proven that he will fail, so we must move on from here.

Their own racism gave them Donald Trump as a President, the president of white-skinned rich people, exclusively. He was ushered in on the watch of the Tea Party faction of white Republican racism in the United States of America, and it was the Republican Party that gave it permission to proliferate and spread its slimy tentacles over the rest of the nation. In the meantime, all of those who could have stopped it sat back and did nothing — and that “do nothing” attitude from Democrats, and staunch denial about the impact of racism coming from Black people also opened the door to trumpism.

But they will deny that is true because they are already of the singular ‘non-racist’ mindset that only white people are capable of doing anything they consider “important” in the world. If they say it, even without evidence, that makes it true — not because they are right, but because they are white. But they are not racists, and denial about racism is the latest form of transmutated racism.

Circular reasoning stops here.

They hated President Obama’s dark skin and his African origins so much that they would rather a white ignorant thug with a paid escort for a wife in charge of the nation than an educated and upstanding Black man with a beautiful and bright Black woman who has excelled in every challenge life has thrown at her.

They’ll try to blame their racism on his “politics and policies”, but he did nothing that all of the other white presidents before him had not done. Ask the “he didn’t do nothing for Black people” Black people.

They will tell you just how racist he really was … against other Black people. Also, without evidence.


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