[Part III of the Six-part Series “The God Genome”]
Jesus was taught to white people as a god of their own making out of Rome.
They erected monuments, statues, commissioned portraits of themselves and their own race as the “god” of all humanity; but they had actually replaced the actual Hebrew Lord God & Savior, Yeshua, with an Italian boytoy for the Pope by the name of Cesar Borgia.
Yes, those Borgias, of the gangbanging thuggish robbing Borgia family of ancient times.
When Paul, an Israelite and a Jewish man who was born in Tarsus and raised in Rome, was sent back to Rome and to Greece to teach the Gentiles (the Black and white ones) about the saving grace of the true Lord & Savior, the Messiah, Yeshua; things started to get twisted and messy.
Paul, formerly known as Saul of Tarsus, had many a conflicting belief system and legalistic bind that he had to challenge everywhere he went. He even got thrown in jail and threatened within an inch of his life for teaching this “Christ as the Son of God” gospel, and eventually, Paul lost his life in the same manner that he had killed others for doing the same.
However, the real and true Lord & Savior, Yeshuah/Yeshiva in Hebrew was not a fictional character. He was revamped into a fictional character by the Roman Catholic church and renamed “Jesus.”
The name Yeshua is “Joshua” in English, and Joshua means “God is salvation!” Je-sus is a word for an animal of some kind, mostly like a pig or swine or ‘of the suidae‘, as in “Hey Sus!” or “Soowwweee Pig!” an old farm call when the farmers had to get the pig’s attention to bring the to feed or to the slaughter.
Rome twisted Paul’s words of freedom and redemption and salvation into enslavement. Rome decided that Black people were somehow indebted to white skin, and eventually, they even got around to turning a Black Jewish man of Hebrew origins into a white deity and called him “Saint” Paul. Paul had already spoken out vehemently against being worshiped, and he was nothing close to a saint and said so himself throughout what we now refer to as the Pauline epistles, or letters of the New Testament gospel.
“Saint Paul” was made into the founder of their falsified Christian religion. Shortly after that, they incorporated the many pagan, heathen and idol-laden things of the secular world into this newly-created religion of theirs, things that Paul would have torn down and burned.
Though they had no spiritual, scriptural, or historical evidence to prove themselves the ones entrusted with the gospel of Christ, they forged ahead anyway—usurping this Hebrew Christian identity as their own just as the Ashkenazi and Khazar Zionist Jews had usurped a tribe called Judah and turned it into a religion called Judaism.
As a matter of information, God did not create ‘race.’
Man was created Black (‘blue-black’, we like to say) because when the Lord made man of the “dust of the Earth,” as it says in Genesis, it just so happened that the “dust” was the heavily deeply dark fertile and enriched soil of the Upper Nile Valley—the Fertile Crescent of the Nile River Valley.
That was simply the color of the soil, and that’s just the way it was. It had nothing to do with race, which was a man-made social construct just as bad as the pagan/heathen gods that they and the Egyptians worshiped. That the white man is the devil is questionable; that he acts like it is not up for question, not by their known short history on Earth.
The ones who do evil and play the thieves and murderers of Earth are absolutely the purveyors of some of the worst nonsensical and illicit crimes the world has ever known. There are exceptions, but not many.
John 10:10 – The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
Wherever the scriptures say “slaves obey your masters,” Black men enslaved one another and their brothers from another mother. It was not for the purpose of racial dominance or superiority, but a way of life for them at the time. Rome turned it into something all together different than the original meaning of the word.

The Texts of Timbuktu: There is a Black man watching these ancient texts so they may not be disturbed or misconstrued by Europeans.
Slavery originally had nothing to do with Blacks bowing down their will to the will of white skin because of some perceived mental superiority/inferiority god-complex.
How could there be inferiority involved with the very people who had taught them everything they knew? But that is how Rome and other Europeans of whiteskin ilk chose to twist the story, and therefore our history.
To be sure, they knew which Black people to go out there messing with—other Gentiles like themselves all over Africa, who had no clue whatsoever that they were being lied to and lied on about the very nature and meaning of life, and the gospel of Christ.
Tasmanian devils, indeed? There was nothing of the devil in Tasmanians or any other native Africans until they were accosted, assaulted, enslaved, and subsequently demonized by those who brought the nuances of the devil himself with them. But these other Africans who had never seen white skinned blonde blue- and green-eyed peoples certainly did begin to “worship” them as gods. They had never seen them before and did not know any better.
[xref: “The Gods Must Be Crazy” and “Robinson Crusoe”]
So how did Judah’s children end up mixed with the others on the trans-Atlantic slave passages?