The Elites recipe for Big profits But No Solutions

by | Aug 22, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

The elites ruling families have procedure they use called Problem-Reaction-Solution! They cause the problem & get the public to react out of fear wanting something to be done about the problem. They patch up problems to make it seem like they r concern about fixing a problem but they r really just keeping the problem a float so they can make profits of the misfortune of others & use the misfortunes to take more liberties from the common people which bring them into more control. Those same problems r caused by their own system of vulture capitalism & their systems of domination & inequality.

First problem Drug abuse
make_big_profitsThe problem is caused by the elites and fact that the bulk of hard drugs r brought in by the CIA that is funded by these ruling families. Iran contra scandal, Noriega was CIA operative, al Qaeda & bin laden r CIA operatives(opium). Drugs were flooded into the inner city streets which is the cause of the hard drug abuse in America. More profits for the elites as they cause the problem they need, so they can implement the plan that will keep the problem going & bring in more profits. The drug war was implemented to fix the drug problem. It would seem that common sense thing to do would be cracking down on the kingpins & the agencies bringing in the drugs but no they just arrest low level dealer & drug addicts. And when they arrest 1 then 20 more r ready to step into their spot either as a dealer and/or addict. It does nothing to stop the flow of drugs on the street.. It just provides plenty of minorities for the private prison industry that makes profits for them & that’s why over half of the prison population is nonviolent drug offenders. The same elites support & fund legislation that requires mandatory sentences for drug offenders. They fund legislation to keep the drug war going to keep the jails full & keeps drugs on the street, so they raking money on every aspect. Even the elites who r not directly connected to the drug trade but still their interest is to keep it alive to support their investment into the private prisons.

Second problem disease
The problem is cause by the genetically modified food they feed us. Poor work conditions, non-affordable healthcare, & stress from low paying demanding jobs. Common sense would say that their should be a great effort to implement a plan for eliminate the genetically modify food for more healthier organic food. Common sense would say that a program should be devised of preventive practices like meditation, yoga, & tai chi that r proven to reduces stress, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, & hypertension. But no, they still feed us crap & they promote medications that help u live with ailments but will never cure it..,& in fact the medications do additional damage to the body. All kind of money being made by the elites on pharmaceuticals & treatments for the countless diseases . Now these have become the new drug addicts who r now dependent on a medication that keeps from having the will to challenge the system. Keeps them working a low paying job to keep the ability to afford their medication. Some even get prosecuted by the law for their legal drug abuse, & this provides more prisoners.

Third problem Financial crisis
The problem was caused by 30 years of trickle economics & constant govt spending without paying for what they spend. Two unpaid wars, bush tax cuts, Wall Street & big banks stealing American workers retirements & pensions, & big corps shipping American jobs overseas. Common sense would say that we end the bush tax cuts, let the big banks fail, prosecute the Wall Street criminals & bailout the American taxpayer…but no we bailout the banks which keeps economy a float & the banks & elites rewarded for crisis they caused. The business economy has recovered with the banks & corporations making record profits while the job economy struggles. Most Americans r getting worse or making no real progress back to their formal middle class status because the elites fight tooth & nail to keep from the paying more taxes & paying better wages.

Fourth problem terrorism
Terrorism is caused by the empire of the United States military aggression & the CIA operative programs, not to mention the loads of evidence that points to an inside job on 9-11-01. Common sense would seem that we stop trying spread freedom by the end of sword, & close down most of our oversea bases & reduce the military budget so we can pay for things needed at home for the American taxpayer. Common sense would say that we have a real investigation on 9-11 to see what is the truth of the matter. But no…..Then the war on terror was implemented to eliminate bin laden & the terrorist cell Al Qaeda(mostly Saudi’s). Well we know what happen after that. Afghanistan, Iraq, patriot act, & homeland security. War profiteers, Halliburton, contractors…. basically the elites r making billions. They have used the crisis to implement the patriot act which openly defies the constitution & ur rights & liberties giving them more control. Homeland security is another govt agency that is unnecessarily taking tax payer money while they invade our privacy. The terrorist threat is allegedly still strong so we r still in Afghanistan & the Middle East & the keep the excessive military budget that feeds military industrial complex ie elites making profits.

Fifth problem Healthcare
The healthcare problem is caused by the genetically modified foods they feeds us, & all the same things that caused disease. Healthcare problem is also caused by the elites for-profit insurance co.’s who do everything in their power to take ur money without covering u for much. Common sense would be to have universal healthcare that has a public option to have govt program and/or private one. Implement penalties to insurance co.’s for unethical practices & price gouging..but no they get this half-ass program that keeps the insurance co.’s or elites making all the money as they force u to have insurance with one of them. I’m pretty sure that the healthcare will have plenty holes for people to poke at, & the problem if inadequate healthcare will continue as they make big profits

Sixth problem Racism
The problem was & is caused by the tradition & culture of white male supremacy that has been the culture of the elites. The purpose is control of others & maintaining control. Common sense would say that we should a long standing forum & study of the impact & level of discrimination that plagues our nation. Also compensation for the contribution of blacks, latinos, & Asians to this nation. Reparations, land, quality education, quality & affordable healthcare, & skill/trade programs… But no we get the integration but the racism goes institutional & undercover. We get the half-ass affirmative action that doesn’t solve the problem just helps a few individual while giving others ammo to poke at its inadequacies. Institutional racism still exist, & income & inequality, inadequate education & healthcare. This keep minorities from being competitors the capitalistic system which keeps them as passive consumers, some drug addicts, Healthcare issues, drug dealing, & criminal behavior which feed all of their industries for money & profit ie drugs(legal & illegal), insurance, & private prison.

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