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The Case for Reparations and the Rewriting of the U.S. Constitution | Urban Intellectuals

The Case for Reparations and the Rewriting of the U.S. Constitution

by | Oct 3, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

Switch gears for a moment, because the complete numerical equation of any number is that both sides of the equal sign must match.

A white lesbian woman recently said she is planning to sue the sperm bank from which she received a Black male’s sperm, resulting in her receipt of a mixed-race child.

She states that it is “stressful” for her to raise a mixed-race child in a 98-percent white community because of the differences in traveling to other places she would not normally go to get the little biracial girl’s hair done, and to cater to her specialized needs as part African-American.

The crux of the conversation for her is that her daughter is ‘tormented’ and ‘ridiculed’ by her classmates and she needs money to move away and put the child in a more normalized environment.


If she thinks that’s stressful, she needs to TRY ACTUALLY BEING BLACK in this country. Talk about white and privileged.

Think about the implications here and what a foundational background that lays for the folks who have been talking about reparations. She wants to move because of someone else’s race, we actually have to LIVE in our skin – EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY DAY OF OUR LIVES.

We’re proud of it, at least most of us seem to be; but if she’s struggling that much because her CHILD is biracial, think about what she is saying about the REST OF US BLACK FOLK.


And now a recent UI report about the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) gouging and gutting out the Civil Rights portion of the Voting Rights Act (Section 4).

Hold up.

You mean to tell me a 40-year old portion of a Voting Act is “outdated,” but a United States Constitution that was written more than 200 years ago when our ancestors were slaves and were not accorded equal rights as citizens is not?

If they can put down a PIECE of legislation that says nobody is allowed to discriminate against Blacks at the Polls and say it’s “outdated” (apparently because a BLACK MAN got elected President), then what does THAT SAY ABOUT THE REST OF THE CONSTITUTION?

It was written in the antiquities by a bunch of old racist slave-holding white men who believed that Black people were only 3/5ths HUMAN and had NO rights (zero) that a white man was bound to respect (i.e., Dred Scott – Chief Justice Roger B. Taney).

And if a piece of 40-year old legislation about Voting Rights is outdated enough not to be needed any more, it’s time for a whole new Constitutional Convention that INCLUDES some FREE BLACK FOLKS in the writing and purging process this time. Benjamin Franklin even allowed for that.

What SCOTUS is saying is that the whole danged Constitution is OUTDATED, not just the piece that says Blacks canNOT be discriminated against at the voting booths.


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