We True Journalists from the Walter Cronkite Golden Days of News and Information Reporting just wanted to take a moment of silence out for the official death and burial ceremony of Integrity of Journalism in America.
Thanks to a band of racists, haters, bigots and mouthy folk screaming about nothing important on the FOX cable network channel who think everybody in America should listen to them or die, and the screaming demons who financially back them, we no longer have to live by the credo “If your mother says she loves you, check it out.”
News and information reporting has become nothing other than cheap razzle-dazzle opinion blogging and a bunch of infamous journos taking potshots at one another about who did what to whom and when, all in some hyped-up drama meant to capture attention rather than get the real news out.
Their mouths are open, but ain’t isht coming out but a bunch of whiny histrionic drama and drivel.
Us blogger-reporters are doing a much better job than the mainstream cable news networks of reporting accurate information these days.
I worked for a newspaper that won a Pulitzer Prize and I no longer have any respect for cable or network news–and the print mechanisms that we used to have need to make a serious comeback out of their coma.
This electronic stuff is too easy to screw with and graphics are too easy to photoshop for anyone who wants to perpetrate a lie; but on paper and in print — they have to get it EXACTLY right or risk being bird cage lining if they don’t.
When it’s in PRINT, their history is locked into whatever they report and the way they print it – forever. Far less room for taking chances with errors, photoshopping, or getting it all wrong. Their integrity rides with whatever they say; and it costs them THOUSANDS to correct it, wasted money if the editors aren’t barking at the copy editors in the Hallowed Hallway all day. Any newspaper that has to spend that kind of money making corrections ought to fire whomever is responsible for it.

In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news.
And they need to leave the opinions to the newsbloggers who could and would love to reference them as AUTHENTIC, reliable, and believable.
But we’re certain FOX would love the opportunity to put their bullisht in newsprint, too–and pay for every pica inch of it with their swearing lives. They should be fact-checked daily by anyone who insists on listening to them.
My sainted Aunt Mabel, God rest her, once told me why she watched FOX:
Comic relief.