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Tea Party Goes H.A.M. On Malia Obama Over Her T-Shirt Selfie | Urban Intellectuals

Tea Party Goes H.A.M. On Malia Obama Over Her T-Shirt Selfie

by | Jan 9, 2015 | News | 0 comments

Every chance racist get to take a shot at the Obama’s, they are going to shoot. It seems like they  just can’t help themselves. Must be an unwritten law in the whacky Tea Party rule book or something.

This time Malia Obama was the subject of their attacks.

The teenager’s selfie picture wearing a pro era tshirt hit Instagram this week and sent the Tea Party into a racist frenzy.

malia obamaPro Era, also known as Progressive Era, is an American hip hop collective from Brooklyn, New York City. They have some rather strong and what could be considered offensive language in some of their songs that was dug up by “The Gateway Pundit”, a Tea Party News Network outlet.

This was the same outlet that pushed the lie about Michael Brown fracturing Officer Darren Wilson’s eye socket, so you know they are into spreading non-truths and nonsense.

Nevertheless, the Tea Party propaganda machine went full force into action of spinning the lyrics of the rap collective and Malia’s wearing of the Pro Era shirt to Obama being anti-white and anti-cop.


All it took was a little encouragement from the leaders of the TPNN websites and the crazy train was out the gate and running down the track. Here is how it all started.

Jennifer Burke of TPNN asked, “How do you feel about the First Daughter wearing a shirt promoting an anti-white, anti-police group?”

Nevermind she misconstrued the wording in the songs and changed things around. The line in the song she was referring to made a statement against racist “stop and frisk” polices in included the words “slaughtering pigs”, but nothing about being anti-white.

“Many will find it disconcerting that such music is being played in the White House,” Burke continued.

Burke was right because there were far too many blind Tea Party supporters ready to stick their racist nose into the mix and do just what she said. Many of the comments are far too offensive, so we will just share a few with you.

Ronald G Miner Jr. – Neither of the “Obama daughters” are children….Michelle is a tranny

Tony May – Nigas lovin nigas, hate the white man and fk the police, why is this news?

LaDonna Blair – Um, what do those words even mean? Sorry, I must be too white–too literate– to understand this.

It isn’t English.

Tony May – The Obamas hate white people. WAKE UP GRUBERS!!!

Nairb Nitram – You can take the blacks out of the getto, but you can’t get the getto out of the blacks.

We will stop there, but you get the idea. Pure racial hatred being spewed by a non-informed, ignorant class of people.

We sure haven’t moved towards that racial equality many claim this country has, but that doesn’t mean we won’t keep moving.

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