by Reneegede | Jan 1, 2019 | Opinion
No, I’m not confused. I finally realized, when I discovered that the Bible was the Black History Book of the World, that white people didn’t just steal the land and the resources, they stole the religions, too. All was used as a system and mechanism of...
by Reneegede | Jan 31, 2017 | Opinion
A white Trump supporter who hands a Black waitress a $450 tip and tells her, in his own way that “WE have to learn how to be one and become ‘just Americans'” has more on his mind than just being a blessing to that Black waitress. He who was incapable...
by Reneegede | Dec 11, 2016 | Opinion
There has been worldwide movement that took God’s people Israel through three major dispensations of slavery: Egypt (400 years) [Genesis 15:13], Babylonia/Chaldea (70 years) [Jeremiah 29], and the translation to the Americas in slave chains as PERMANENT slaves...
by Reneegede | Dec 19, 2015 | Opinion
Body, soul, spirit, and mind. Those are the four dimensions of human existence on which we are said to connect to everything and everyone else in the universe. Body, of course, meaning physical contact; soul meaning the physical emotions we display as a direct result...