South Side Site Selected For Obama’s $500m Library: WILL They Employ The Local Black Community To Build?

by | Jul 28, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

The site for Obama’s Presidential library has finally been selected as the historic Jackson Park in Chicago’s South Side!

While some are upset that Washington Park, surrounded by vacant lots, wasn’t chosen it’s undoubtedly a good project for the area which as a whole needs a boost.

Michelle and Barack will make the formal announcements next week for the project which is one of Chicago’s highest profile projects in the current city pipeline.

Now, there is a lot of talk about the $500 million project. A library for the presidential archives, a museum devoted to Obama’s eight-year tenure and the headquarters of the Obama Foundation, which will also fund the project.

BUT now the Obama Foundation have an important decision.


Will they put that $500 million into the local community, will they employ local black owned businesses and people, in a part of the city that is in DIRE NEED of the development.

Or, will they just give the contracts and the work over to the same old mass corporation building firms, the ones that win all these jobs and are in bed with the big wigs?

I want to have some faith but fear that the worst outcome may be the way things go!

What do you think?

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