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SMH: Rep. Who Pushed To Drug Test People On Food Stamps Busted For Cocaine | Urban Intellectuals

SMH: Rep. Who Pushed To Drug Test People On Food Stamps Busted For Cocaine

by | Nov 19, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Rep. Trey Radel voted for legislation put forward by the Republicans to allow states to test the urine of Food Stamp recipients for drug use. This vote happened in September.

Fast-forward to October and Rep. Trey Radel was busted. He was busted by Florida police and charged with possession of cocaine.

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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told Buzzfeed earlier in the week

“It’s really interesting it came on the heels of Republicans voting on everyone who had access to food stamps get drug tested,” “It’s like, what?”

The amendment was approved by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) to let states run the drug tests and it passed by voice votes.

A broader food stamp bill was voted on by Radel.


The Huffington Post Reported:

In June, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) made that very suggestion when he questioned why recipients of crop insurance and other government benefits weren’t also targeted for drug tests like people on food stamps.

“Why don’t we drug test all the members of Congress here,” McGovern said shortly before the drug-testing measure passed.

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“Force everybody to go urinate in a cup or see whether or not anybody is on drugs? Maybe that will explain why some of these amendments are coming up or why some of the votes are turning out the way they are.

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The fate of the food stamp drug testing provision is in the hands of a House-Senate conference committee hashing out differences between food stamp and farm legislation that passed the two chambers. It’s got a chance. Last year, Congress passed a law to let states drug-test some unemployment insurance recipients.

Obviously Radel needed to answer for his stance after the charge and on Tuesday he apologized, He said:

“I struggle with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice,”


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