So, the KKK have been trying to make themselves relevant by attempting to canvas the University of Clemson with flyers and recruit new members. They are also claiming that the “new” KKK does not promote violence! SMH!!!!
KKK propaganda was left of student dorm doors by A South Carolina chapter of the KKK. The flyers have also appeared all over Oconee County!
The chapters Exhalted Cyclops, Rob Locklear, told reporters “By going out and distributing our literature we’re letting people know we are very much still relevant,” and stated that “We are very much still here.”
Talking of the non-violent stance he said “We’re simply hated because of what history has made us out to be.”
He went onto say that they just want the separation of races!
Errrmmmmmm, history didn’t make the KKK out to be anything more than they made themselves out to be! Seriously in 2016 these clowns are still allowed to operate!
Hopefully none of these uni students were clever enough to not respond to such a disgusting call by an organisation that probably should have been branded a terrorist organisation a long time ago!
See the video report below:
Have you seen these flyers, is this mess happening in your area? What do you think the best response is when hate is spread like this?
Thanks for reading.Thanks to Atlanta Black Star for the story details: