Before He Was Shot Dead By Police Unarmed Teen Quintonio LeGrier Called 911 Three Times

by | Jan 27, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Unarmed Chicago Teen Quintonio LeGrier went from asking for police assistance to being shot 6 times by police. They also shot and killed his neigbour!

Police responded to a call from LeGrier’s father then claimed the teen came at them with a baseball bat, resulting in his shooting.

The father’s call had been previously disclosed but now a review is revealing three calls from LeGrier begging police to come because someone was threatening his life.

The Chicago Tribune reports:

That operator can be heard on the recording hanging up the call after LeGrier identified himself only as “Q” and declined to detail what was happening.

“Can you just send an officer?” a clearly frustrated LeGrier asked the dispatcher at one point.

“Yeah, when you answer the question,” she said.

Stratton said a 911 operator who took LeGrier’s third call a few minutes later dispatched a squad car on a well-being check. As officers responded, LeGrier’s father, Antonio, called 911 as well.

In contrast to his son’s initially flat tone, Antonio LeGrier’s breathing was heavy and panicked as the father told the dispatcher that his son was armed with a bat and he needed the help of police.

“My son is attempting to break inside my bedroom door,” he said in his only 911 call. “He’s got a baseball bat in his hand right now.”

Minutes later, the younger LeGrier was fatally shot by Officer Robert Rialmo outside his father’s residence in the 4700 block of West Erie Street after allegedly swinging a baseball bat at the officer. Bettie Jones, 55, who lived at the address and had come to the front door, was fatally shot in the chest by the same officer in what police have called an accident.

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