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‘The Rock’ For President? Dwayne Johnson Is Seriously Considering Running In 2020! | Urban Intellectuals

‘The Rock’ For President? Dwayne Johnson Is Seriously Considering Running In 2020!

by | May 11, 2017 | Politics News | 0 comments

“A year ago … it started coming up more and more,”

“There was a real sense of earnestness, which made me go home and think, ‘Let me really rethink my answer and make sure I am giving an answer that is truthful and also respectful.’”

“I feel like I’m in a position now where my word carries a lot of weight and influence, which of course is why they want the endorsement,” Johnson said of keeping his political opinions to himself. “But I also have a tremendous amount of respect for the process and felt like if I did share my political views publicly, a few things would happen … I felt like it would either (a) make people unhappy with the thought of whatever my political view was. And, also, it might sway an opinion, which I didn’t want to do.”

These are the words from Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson in a new GQ feature where he talks about running for president being a real possibility.

The Star is a registered independent and in the last elections did not openly support any candidate but he has made it clear he is a supporter of troops but was agains Trump’s travel ban. In the interview he doubled down on that saying:

“I believe in our national security to the core, but I don’t believe in a ‘ban’ that bans immigrants. I believe in inclusion. Our country was built on that, and it continues to be made strong by that. And the decision felt like a snap judgment.”

“I feel like the majority of, if not all, Americans feel that protection is of huge importance,” he continued. “But the ideology and the execution [of national-security initiatives] is where we really have to be careful of not making those snap decisions, because there’s a tail effect… Within 24 hours, we saw a ‘tail effect.’ It grew to heartache, it grew to a great deal of pain, it grew to a great deal of confusion, and it had a lot of people scrambling.”

EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK at my @GQ cover for their once a year iconic comedy issue. Promoting #BAYWATCH ? I never had dreams of becoming a stand up comedian, like my comedy heroes, Richard Pryor and Robin Williams. But I always did and still do just love to laugh and more importantly, make other people laugh and feel good too. Fun lil' fact, by the time I was 10, I could recite (word for word) every Richard Pryor monologue from his extremely racy acts. I was proud. My mom was not. She'd catch me and beat my ass and wash my mouth washed out with soap. Fun times. Excited to share this special issue with you. Very cool how life can come full circle. #GQ #ComedyIssue #WasItSomethingISaid? On newsstands TUES MAY 16th. *Link to the FULL STORY in my bio. ??

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