I hate commenting on a draw-down between two Black men, because as a non-feminist feminist who loves Black men but will not stand for them treating Black women as if they “own” them like a white man thinks he owns Black people, I prefer that the Brothas handle their own beefs in the manner they best see fit.
However …
Respectfully, this is the first time in six YEARS that Tavis Smiley has said something about President Obama that I cannot disagree with. (‘scuse me, “with which I cannot disagree”…thank you, Grammar Police.)
Smiley is usually so out of alignment with the history of the stuff that he addresses, one would think he is talking only about himself, his own precarious position in life, HIS generational posterity, and his particular upscale out of touch hyper-educated breed of Black America most of the time when he speaks.
Granted, I am not a “fair weather supporter” of the President by any means, and he has taken all of his supporters on some suspense travels and roller coaster rides that we did not expect from the outset, but the steaming anger from Smiley, this time, is sincere and raw. It is not spoken from his usual contextual frame of reference that seems out of place considering this nation’s history and who plays The Game.
I, too, thought it rather odd that President Obama would go to the B.E.T. network to say “Cool it,” to Black people. Who was he talking to, by the way?
On B.E.T., which no Black person in their right mind watches, why would he go there to tell the sons and daughters, the Remnant, of the slaves of this nation to “cool it.” These particular Black folk who watch this asinine B.E.T. station are, without doubt or a question, TARGETS of a racist faction of white America that no one seems to be able to control.
This is a highly racist FACTION of white America running B.E.T., though they do not represent the entirety of “white” America-but likely speak for that certain old decrepit near-dead “one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel” race-mongering faction that is still hiding in their cockroach dens playing Puppetmaster with their creepy-@krakka constituency, who seem to be controlling the strings (and the purse strings) on this conversation.
That much is certain. But…
Why is it that the President of the United States would substantially “okay-dokey” violence coming from this particular hateful nasty vicious racist faction of society by telling Black people who watch THAT network to calm down about it? On one of their “hidden covert racist operative” television networks…no less.
It seems to support their wrongdoing on the surface, and that should be a problem for all Black people whether they watch always and forever dumbing ’em down B.E.T. TV or not.
Does he not know that those creeps who are controlling his lips at the moment do not represent America, nor do they support what he is supposed to stand for as this ENTIRE nation’s President, both Black and white alike, and everything in between?
I realize that this may be his way of trying to “protect” us, but the roach is already out of the motel on this conversation. B.E.T. itself is one of their race-alicious cockroaches in Black America, and it is one of the most viciously vile and hateful negative stereotypical nastiest television networks that Black America has ever known in the history of TV. But…some of us watch their decrepit network mess anyway, for reasons nobody needs to bother to know.
Which, what, or who(m) amongst “Black people” was he talking to on B.E.T., of all places he could have gone to make an impact? And is this meant to be taken as a Niëmoller “first they came for the socialists” vice grip kind of thing whereby if SOME of us ‘better-off negroes’ simply IGNORE the others who are crying out for help and assistance, it will (it may?) all work itself out in the end?
If so, I gotta call ‘bu77shi+’ on that one. Hell No, I’m not confused about it.
If you keep dumbing down the masses and telling them to be complacent even when they ARE complying, then you have a faction of Black people, when linked up with that certain faction of racist whites, who cause the racism not to END, but to continue unabated.
History has proven that this historic Negro Calm Down Plan is in GROSS error and not even close to anything that may come out on the other side as recognizable JUSTICE.
Compliance is one thing. Complacency is a whole other thing all together.
I cannot ‘poo-poo’ Smiley on this one, because his words were not spoken in the same context that has led people to believe that he is seriously infantile infinitesimally jealous of President Obama. This time, Smiley said it right … AND for the right reasons.
BTW, Mr. Smiley, with all due respect, Black people DO need lectures … just not the same lectures delivered in the way they have been in the past. But in ways, this time, that are going to FINALLY knock the wind out of that toothless lion when it comes to racism, and to white supremacist neo-Nazi fascism, and that includes the racism that is embedded within the B.E.T. network.
Nobody need be confused about it: The Negro Calm Down Plan has historically supported and co-signed fascism and distorted true justice, in the most extreme way that it possibly can.
Bill Cosby Sexual Assault “Takedown”? Was it all about him trying to buy television network NBC…again?
Why don’t they want B.E.T. to go away? Does NBC mean not that “Nigger Bill Cosby” again?

Does NBC stand for not that “Nigger Bill Cosby”? Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Why does national network television keep trying to eternally screw up media images of Black Americans? What is their MOTIVATION for it?