Now that it has become more than obvious for the past nine years who are the real racial separatists in America, they have been afforded yet another opportunity amongst many to snub President Barack H. Obama for the fact that he had planned to attend the South By Southwest Festival long before Nancy Reagan died.
Also, the headlines should read “First Lady Michelle Obama to Attend Former First Lady Nancy Reagan’s Funeral.”
But in true racial politics and their own style and fashion, the headlines for such harmful conservative bases never read as they should, and we then end up having to counter with the real truth.
President “W” –with his MOST HOLY disrespectful @– did not attend Lady Bird Johnson’s funeral in 2007, and in the true fashion of hyper-dramatists with latent drug and alcohol abuse issues, it has suddenly become an “issue” when President Obama conducts his affairs just as the many Presidents before him also did. Their President, “W,” is going to send off Missy Nancy and that is all they really need to concern themselves with.
By way of an oath of admission, even if President Obama DID go to Reagan’s funeral, they’d still have something ugly to say. That’s how they roll.
Nancy Reagan’s history in Black America, in particular, rides with the legacy her husband, Ronald Wilson, left. He went down and out in Black history as the biggest drug peddler of crack cocaine into the Black communities (see all documentation regarding ‘Ollie North and the Contra Costa Affairs’ of the 1980s) in the history of the nation. And to top that off, there is the fact that Mrs. “Just Say No” had been in and out of drug rehab herself for a very long period of time.
We can only suppose that after she, ‘Missy Ann Nancy’, finally got the point where SHE “just said no” herself, it resulted in the prolonged extension of her life to a ripe old 90+ years of age. And for this, she should be grateful.
We are certain that she won’t miss President Obama’s graceful and elegant presence at her obsequies. Also, just because they worship Ronnie’s graven image and dark legacy as a true drug dealer doesn’t mean anyone else is required to.
Many of us Black women are greater Ladies than Nancy Reagan, a former Hollywood call girl and drug addict, could ever have been … and President Obama won’t be attending any of our funerals, either. Just an F.Y.I. …

President Obama graces Nancy Reagan with his presence.