Protests In San Diego Erupt, Police Kill Yet Another Unarmed Black Man!

by | Sep 28, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Protests have erupted in El Cajon San Diego as people are outraged and concerned that the killing of an unarmed man by police was racially motivated.

An unidentified man with mental illness was said to have been tased and shot by police leading to him dying in hospital.

Officers were called to an area near a strip mall where a man was said to be acting erratically. They say he did not respond to their instructions and also suggest that he put is hands in his pockets, pulled out an object and stood in a pose like he was going to shoot. No gun was recovered!

They say that a passerby video recorded the incident but as yet they have not released the footage.

So…. More will come of this case in the following days.

The LA Times reported:

On Twitter, the department disputed some of the claims made by protesters: “The investigation just started, but based on the video voluntarily provided by a witness, the subject did NOT have his hands up in the air.”

Michael Ray Rodriguez said he was driving away from the apartment building when he saw a shirtless black man with his hands in the air. In a matter of seconds, he said, an officer opened fire.

The officer “shot him again and again,” Rodriguez said, adding he heard five shots.

El Cajon police officers are not equipped with body-worn cameras. The department recently completed a pilot program to test the cameras and ordered some. The equipment has not been delivered, Ransweiler said.

He said a witness voluntarily turned over a cellphone that contains video of the shooting.

The district attorney’s office and the El Cajon Police Department are investigating.

Read more here.

And a report on the protests is below;

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