Tweetist @hope_and_chains said and I quote “My family survived a concentration camp, came to the US with nothing, LEGALLY, and made it work.”
Toure, media personality from MSNBC, tweets back to hope_and-chains “The power of whiteness.”
Twitter goes into an anti-Semitic tizzy over it; and we’re certain that the BIG CURSE WORDS were only left out because they are limited to a 140-character-maximum-limit outrage about what Toure thought was so all-fired “white privileged” about concentration camp survivors.
Apparently, the Tweetist’s survivor’s family coming to the United States from a Nazi Concentration Camp with nothing and making it work opened a ginormous can of worms that caused Toure to respond the way he did. There aren’t very many educated and conscious Black people in America right now who can’t call ‘hope&chains’ a big fat liar on that “nothing and made it work” response; and here’s why.
At the outset, it doesn’t seem like a big deal; but underneath it’s cocksure surface is a deeper story…one where most people fear to tread for the very reason that now has Toure on the outer fringe in media relations. There are far too many in the media world, and elsewhere, who are afraid of being called ‘anti-Semitic’ for telling the truth about white privilege, even among Nazi concentration camp survivors. And be that as it may, anti-Semitic is a word that gets tossed around so much that nobody even knows what it means any more.
Let’s discuss.
There is a book written called “The Nazis” (Library of Congress ISBN No. 0-8094-2534-3). It was written by Robert Edwin Herzstein and the Editors of Time/Life books, and published in 1980.
The book is extremely in-depth about the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler, and it contains many illustrated details about what he did and why he did it, but I think we can do this one without belaboring all of the details of the Third Reich. It’s easy enough, for those who don’t know about it, to Google and read for yourself.
[Just an FYI: Yes, there was a First Reich-realm or empire-called the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation; and a Second Reich called the Hohenzollern Germany, which was the unification of Germany following the Franco-Prussian War (1870 – 1871). There was also an Interim Reich prior to the Third Reich, but we all know that the Third and last Reich is the subject that @hope_and_chains had in mind when he/she had the unmitigated gall to get offended about Toure’s truth.]
To make an excruciatingly long story short, the information about who the real Semites of the antiquities are has finally surfaced and is now largely available for those who care to know.
This particular book, written by Herzstein and Time Life Books, nails the final nail in the coffin on the rhetoric. It not only says what Hitler’s thoughts were about a pure white Aryan race of “blonde blue-eyed pink-skinned” peoples that he was trying to preserve, but what he knew about race-purging and the best way to go about it.
Let’s take a look…
Flip to pages 132-133 of The Nazis and prepare for a REAL shocker that would make Toure absolutely right about ‘whiteness’ and privilege even in the midst of one of the most insidiously hateful and murderous regimes in world history.
The centerfold of this book, so brightly and boldly highlighted in what was a very COSTLY red background print has a small corner inset photograph of Hitler and his trainees on the left and they are viewing some type of film.
This inset photo reads and I quote “Goebbels and Hitler personally appraise a new German movie. When the Fuhrer complained that films espousing the Nazi line were too scarce, Goebbels rushed a pair of anti-Semitic pictures into production. In one segment of a Nazi ‘instructional’ film…the genetic heritage of the Jews is purportedly traced to Oriental, Negro, near Asian, and Hamitic peoples. Hence, the film concludes, the Jew is a bastard.”
Hold the hell up.
The Jews Hitler was talking about originated out of race-mixing with some Oriental (a very Black man used as an example of Orientalen), the Negro (Neger), the ‘near-Asians’ (some very Egyptian-looking Black folks), and Hamitic (Hamiten, but we know who they are) people is a BASTARD? But there it is IN BIG CAPITAL LETTERS WITH GERMAN LETTERING HOOKS SPELLING OUT THE WORD BASTARD.
First of all, this means that not only did Hitler refer to these “non-Aryan sub-humans” (his words not mine) as bastards, but he also called them that because they had the audacity to taint themselves with Black blood? Mixtures of Orientals, Negroes, Egyptians and Hamites/Cushite people?
NOW, with that in mind, we can talk about the power of whiteness, as mentioned by Toure, for the very reason most Black people in America don’t even know yet, or are just now finding out. That they/we are the true original Semite people and that our ancestors were brought here by not only a very European-backed, but a very “Jewish”-financed African slave trade.
In that diaspora, the very same thing that Hitler did to those ‘mixed-raced bastard’ Germans happened to the Africans who were transported here against their will. Hope_and_Chains family made it to the US with “nothing” and “made it work”? Bullshit.
“Nothing” and “made it work” our Big Fat Oriental-Neger-Egyptian-Hamitic Black Shemitic arsses. That rant alone was anti-Semitic as hayell, because she was talking to a man who has more of a chance of having originated out of Shem than he or she did.
That is EXACTLY what the “power of whiteness” is.
How do you get to tell a lie like that and walk away unscathed and have a Black man who is Blacker than THOU end up taking the fall for your own racist isht?
And since when did a STARTING PAYMENT of $1 BILLIONÂ in REPARATIONS back in 1951, which amounts to more like a hella-bit more than EIGHT billion now, equate to “NOTHING”?
And that wasn’t the half of it.
If this country, if the European nations in fact, were made to pay Black Americans equivalent to what our own ancestors experienced during their own Holocaust right here in the good old US of A, this country and all of the rest of them would go dead sorry stank BELLY UP BROKE. Yesterday.
America doesn’t have, and never HAD in its entire history, enough money to pay Black people for what it did to our Black ancestors after the trans-Atlantic slave passage. And THAT shit had NOTHING to do with slaves in Africa, either. But why stop here?
Let’s take it up another notch.
What the hell did happen to the “Fate of the Rhineland Bastards,” of which there were about 25,000 of them, more or less, in Nazi Germany at the time of the Third Reich. Anybody reading this want to take a GUESS what happened to the “Rhineland Bastards” that they say they can’t quite put a finger on? Don’t know what happened to them, aye?
We’re calling bullshit on that, too, especially if Hitler went to killing the WHITES WHO MIXED WITH THEM in Concentration Camps.
Suffice it to say that if/when Hitler got other people to do his dirty work of annihilating the so-called “Jews” that he considered to be bastardos, then he probably killed the “Rhineland Bastards” himself.
I don’t care about proving it, I just know they didn’t just disappear like a Malaysian Airliner; and I have some very serious doubts that a bunch of WHITE-mixed people living in Concentration Camps and stripped bare of a stitch of clothing could have “smuggled and blended them in” with the rest of their more white compatriots. They were so “”inconsequential,” history says, as to not even merit an HONORABLE MENTION in a regime that had the atrocious behavior of trying to annihilate the people who even bred with those “Rhineland Bastards.”
Take a look at what we got in America right now, to this very day.
Through the Republican Party and a few of their Democrat constituents, the very ideas that Hitler so vividly espoused, and the very actions that he took, the very attitudes that he displayed, and the shit that he did — Black people around the world, and especially in America, are still going through that holocaust-driven crap in the United States TODAY.
And THEY/we NEVER EVEN GOT REPARATIONS to “make it work with nothing” with.
But let’s take it up YET ANOTHER BULLHORN MEGAPHONE NOTCH: Our Black-@ss ancestors DID NOT come here “LEGALLY,” as the Twitterer said in Internet caps as if to YELL. They were kidnapped out of their own country and dragged over here, enslaved for nearly 400 years, disenfranchised after they were set free, and are still dealing with the after-effects of Traumatic Slave Syndrome (nothing POST-Traumatic about it) TO THIS VERY DAY.
If, and only IF, we were to outline some of the very atrocities of Nazi Germany and Hitler’s ideas that highlighted his deep desire to annihilate these “race-mixing bastards,” as he called them, then I have no doubt whatsoever that every thought and action of his about those “non-Aryan subhuman bastards” then runs smack slam parallel with everything that is happening to these “non-Aryan subhuman ni&&ers” in America now.
Then they come here and start immediately PURGING THEMSELVES of any traces whatsoever that their OWN damned BLACK ancestors just to fit into the GREATER THOU and wash their hands of it like they did nothing wrong AFTER THE FACT?
Then they get a “The State of Israel” in a land in which they did NOT originate, where their BLACK ancestors came from by birthright heritage, and act like they don’t have BLOOD on their hands?, ours, and every other Black person that they have touched throughout the history of Hitler’s regime to this very day.
Then, we can roll on over from there to THIS place and START a HEAVY-DUTY conversation about the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC.
ALEC, is just as bad, if not worse, than The National Socialist Party that underwrote Hitler’s daily first steps to power. And it is underwritten by some very Aryan-denatured Zionist-Americans who are anything BUT innocent in their onslaught of Black America to this very day. ALEC claims to be bi-partisan, and it is anything BUT.
This is a VERY VERY HITLER-ESQUE RACIST WHITE REPUBLICAN/GOP faction who are nothing more than a modern-day National Socialist Party – a paper mill for the most racist and simultaneously elitist laws written since the Black Codes. ALEC need not think for two seconds that there aren’t more than a boatload of Black people out here who don’t know it, and just don’t say anything.
The only real problem Black people have in America right now is that too many are NOT paying attention to this nation’s underlying local politics and their fringe lunatic white nationalist appointments and partisan partakers all over the country–its judges, courtrooms, police forces, corporations, connections etc etc etc.
If they did, knowing what the rest of us have already found out — this would be Game Over, in a fortnight.
The “they said we are free” would turn into a real “we actually ARE free.” Or hell, knowing what we also know about too many Black people in America ourselves, probably not.
That’s just about as White Privileged as it gets for a bunch of folks who will “never forget” a Holocaust that they have situationally recovered from and moved on to bigger and better things at other people’s expense. And THEN they used the “power of whiteness” to eradicate the truth, to deracinate themselves, and tell one big fat arss whopper of a lie about what anti-Semitism REALLY is, on top of everything else.
It is the same type of covertly-operated Holocaust that too many Black people are still living under now — alleged American freedoms and all.