Pokémon Go Has Memorialized Tamir Rice, The 12 Year Old Murdered By Cleveland Police

by | Jul 27, 2016 | News | 0 comments

One of the interesting things about the new Pokémon Go game is how it also helps people learn about their surroundings through the use of Pokestops. Snippets of information, history and points of interest come up as you explore the world looking for little creatures to capture.

And it appears now that the murder point of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was shot dead by Cleveland Police has been made into a Pokestop.

The good thing about this stop is the information it gives, which difers from the official story and shows the community have bonded together to tell the story many believe as a more true account.

Beltmag.com reported:

When Pokemon Go players reach the Cudell gazebo, the game provides additional information about the site: “Community memorial for Tamir Rice, shot and killed by CPD officers who shot him in under 2s after breaking department policy regarding escalation of force.”

…As the text in the game suggests, the community has turned the site into a memorial for Tamir Rice. The gazebo is filled with stuffed animals, crosses, and hand-painted signs. A community garden encircled with brightly-colored rocks blooms next to the gazebo.

src: http://beltmag.com/memorializing-tamir-rice/


Those passing the spot would see no sign of a memorial, no respect giving to the poor child, despite calls by many. The local government want to raze the gazebo to the ground!

So, this is a great sign of community respect from the Pokémon Go community and it may educate a few people who come across this site.

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