Part I: America, Daniel’s Prophecy and Revelation 17

by | Jun 26, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

Part I of a Three-part series on “America, Daniel’s Prophecy and Revelation 17” which spells out in nearly picture-perfect detail who is the true “Great Whore” of Babylon, and what these prophecies mean to the Black people of the Diasporas, the African slave trades of the western nations.


Daniel 12…3“Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. 4“But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.”


Back in the 1970s and 1980s, many white preachers and quite a few Black ones used to preach that there was a “Great Whore” whose rise on the Earth would signal the imminent and final judgment of the United States of America.

Many people run from interpreting scriptural prophecy because there are too many nuances and mixed metaphors and similes and hyperboles that can easily mistake one thing for another, but as time has moved on with and without these preachers, some of whom are still alive and some of whom are long gone from this world, there is no longer much time left for playing guessing games about the Word of God, as written by our Hebrew forefathers and as translated into Greek, then Latin, then into English and ultimately into the American vernacular of English so that we would be able to read it for ourselves when this time came to a head.

The Bible isn’t going anywhere, so let’s take the truth for what it is and for what we can glean from it for the time being and move on from here. From this place.

Daniel talks about the “insight” that shines brightly and “leads many to righteousness…” Then he, Daniel, says he was told to “conceal the words and seal up the book until the end of time, [when] many will go back and forth and knowledge will increase.”

We are now traveling at close enough to the speed of light (‘going back and forth and to and fro’) and knowledge increases today at speeds even faster than we can travel. If we hang around much longer, we’ll soon be able to read the thoughts of people who are on the other side of the world in their own language -a language we didn’t have to learn ourselves- and without even having to leave home to do it.

Yeah, it’s that serious.

But now’s the time to have a serious talk about The Great Whorewho sitteth upon many waters.” – Revelation 17; and the Beast upon which she rides.

Many believe that the “Beast” the Bible refers to is catholicism. I can’t argue with that, because if the Great Whore is the Great U.S.A., that’s the only thing the “Beast” can be.

America is highly rooted in catholicism and religious superstitions that have nothing to do with God; and this nation was founded on Roman (and some Greek) religions and philosophies, mostly those related to skin-color racism brought over here from Europe. That, in turn, explains the “Aryan Nation” (the spawn seed of the Ku Klux Klan), a known Hate Group in America with Anglo-Saxon/backwoods British, Germanic Nazi (think “Hitler”), and Roman roots.

On the head of the Beast are the horns of TEN kingdoms (which are very likely the ten major religions of the world, or religiosity). Some believe that the 10 kingdoms are nations, but there is no one nation on Earth that is solely complicit in advancing the cause of blasphemy and fornication of the Word of God.

Just a bit about the numbers, though I do not want to be accused of using numerology like a medium. The numbers represent something in scripture, but I go there with trepidation because I do not indulge in the occult. The number seven in the books of Daniel and Revelation definitely represent the seven continents of the world as we know it now, just like the number six is the number of mankind, or humanity.

Regardless of the numbers, no one can argue that much (so much!) bloodshed around the world has come to us in the form of U.S. ‘patriotism’ and its self-styled democracy (hence the colors crimson and scarlet in the robes and drapings of the Whore and her beastly transport vehicle); and no one can deny that so much! bloodshed has also happened in the name of the false religions of the world that did not come from God.

But the Great Whore herself? Think about it carefully.

That’s the Statue of Liberty, mind you; which represents the United States as a corporate entity. [NOTE: During the 9/11 debacle of 2001, a political cartoon journalist depicted a sad ‘Lady Liberty’ looking at the World Trade Center while sorely weeping, but in real time, she couldn’t have turned around to see the WTC, because the real Statue of Liberty is was facing in the other direction: Southeast.]

State of Liberty faces southeast, away from Manhattan.

Statue of Liberty faces southeast overlooking “many waters.”

According to the NPS (the National Park Service), “The Statue of Liberty faces Southeast and was strategically placed inside of Fort Wood which was a perfect base for the Statue. The Statue’s position was also perfect for ships, entering the harbor, to see her as a welcoming symbol.”

Many waters? Start with these: Hudson River, East River, Long Island Sound, Newark Bay, Upper New York Bay, Lower New York Bay, Jamaica Bay, Atlantic Ocean, and those are just the major ones in the surrounding area. Not to mention the other three “ladies” in France, particularly the one on Swan Island in Paris, France, at the Seine River.

Which country or country is the Lady Liberty pointed toward?

Folklore said it was London, England; but London is more northeast of New York’s harbor. Southeast of the Harbor, the bays, the lakes, the rivers, and the Atlantic Ocean itself, is Morocco, Algeria, Portugal, Spain and France. If you want to get drastic on its southeasterly direction and turn it completely southeast, it faces downward toward Bermuda, but the direction liberty is looking away from New Jersey and New York is not that drastic.

Long story short, “the seven spikes on the crown represent the seven oceans and the seven continents of the world,” says The Telegraph, UK.

Revelation 17: 3 “I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.”

Scarlet color represents the blood of many sacrifices over a long period of time. This beast has killed, maimed and murdered for so long that its color has turned from its natural tone to a scarlet purple-red.

“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication…” Revelation 17:4.

The purple and scarlet once again stands for bloodshed. She, along with the beast she rides, is “arrayed” (drenched) in bloodshed. “Decked in gold.” Not only does it take silver and gold to make copper, which encompasses the thin skin of the behemoth statue; but the torch is also made of 24k gold leaf, the precious stones at its deck are made of the best quarried stone, granite actually, that money could buy at the time; and believe it or not, before it was renamed Liberty Island in 1956, the Island was called Bedloe’s. Bedloe’s, which has since been destroyed by landfill, was a series of smaller islands called “The Oysters.” It had huge oyster beds around it for years.

The “golden cup” is the torch, now covered in gold leaf, and in that right hand a “hand full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication”? What is she holding in her other hand, the left one? Many believe it is a book, but it is not. It is a stone tablet.

The statue is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, who bears a torch and a tabula ansata (a tablet evoking the law) upon which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. –

Keep in mind that while the United States of Americawas invoking its own freedoms, liberties and rights in the world, it also simultaneously held Africans for a king’s ransom as slaves. The main significance of the Statue of Liberty is that it opened to the public the year after the slaves were circumstantially ‘freed,’ though there was never any evidence that they were fully emancipated. And lest anyone does not know it, France can take no credit for not having owned slaves itself. Haiti, as Maya Angelou once said it, paraphrased was no “beach party” for Black people, either.

The broken chains at the Statue’s left foot and the stepping away, or backing up of her right foot away from those chains, was meant to symbolize that “Lady Liberty had finally come to terms with her own ability to enlighten the world by breaking the chains of slave-holding.” America had finally gotten the message that its own hypocrisy as a “world teacher and leader” could not happen as long as Black people were enslaved here.

That “‘tablet invoking the law” in her left hand has been the bane of Black people’s moral existence in the United States. It is a double-edged sword, and a double-tongued serpent at the same time.

Rev. 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

In her forehead, on her forebrain, are the words, written in Latin – July 4, 1776, or “JULY IV MDCCLXXVI.” Whatever is written on her forehead is committed to her memory forever.

These are the words of poet Emma Lazarus, from The New Colossus

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

“Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she

With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

The “old Colossus” of Rhodes, like the New Colossus of New York City, USA, was built to symbolize its importance as an economic center in the ancient world. It was strategically placed at the point where the Aegean Sea met up with the Mediterranean.

Those of us who have been studying the deep history of Black people of the Diasporas understand the significance of a meeting place between an old world and a new one. We know that our ancestors came from the Mediterranean (where was once located ancient Mesopotamia) and that the ancestors of white peoples, once they migrated out from the Caucasus Mountains where they originated, they ended up on what is now known as the “Jerusalem of the Aegean,” or the Greek Isle known as Patmos.

Once the Persians lost control of the Island of Rhodes, it was conquered by a man of Greece known as “Alexander the Great.”

Out of those people came what The New Colossus referred to as “the wretched refuse of your teeming shore,” and what the Bible referred to as “harlots and abominations of the earth.”

Overlook the obvious for a moment, because we know for a fact that very few Black people entered the United States of America voluntarily through a boat ride over here on the Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria, and most definitely not through any immigration rites of passage related to Ellis Island or New York Harbor.

It was very recently that Toure of MSNBC used the now-infamous words “The Power of Whiteness” in relation to a self-proclaimed descendant of Nazi concentration camps who declared that HER people came HERE with NOTHING and “made it work.”

We have since established that anyone who thinks that millions of dollars in reparations paid to them was the “nothing” that they used to “make it work” has lost their minds; and we have since established that even before that time, these Khazar or Ashkenazi Judaists were very much involved in the African slave trades, by which they made boatloads of money even before Hitler’s reign of terror, have no true moral standing on which to claim they “came here with nothing and made it work.” That would be what we now know as an outright lie.

So who was this “wretched refuse of the tempest-tossed homeless” who came here through Ellis Island by the voluntary shiploads?

They may have leveraged the “steerage” as their shining example of “homelessness” and peasant poverty, but there were more than a “few” very affluent and highly well-heeled non-Americans out of the twelve million who came here through the portals of Ellis Island for a 62-year period.

Ellis Island was hardly representative of everybody in this country who came here and started from scratch, a vast majority of them were hardly poor or even looking for a ‘new way of life.’ Surely, they were pursuing The American Dream, but many of them had a hella-good life where they were even before they got here.

Some of those passengers included four U.S. Presidents, several of the most rich and affluent Titanic survivors, like Mrs. John Jacob Astor, and folks like Rudyard Kipling, the Ringlings, Walt Disney and Harry Houdini. Amazingly enough, Cicely Tyson’s father, William, was counted amongst the Ellis Island entrants.

Regardless of the romanticizing of the Immigrants of Ellis Island, we cannot be swayed by the glorious history of the “wretched refuse” of other teeming shores. They weren’t all nice people. In 1875, a law was passed “forbidding prostitutes and criminals” to enter the country, as well as “lunatics” and “idiots.” There would have been no need for such a law if they didn’t know these people had already passed through and were living here before the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed.

Keep in mind that the Ellis Island rites of passage were very privilege-oriented about white males and “maintaining white racial purity,” so that was a huge indicator that ‘harlots and abominations’, as noted in Revelation 17, were already part and parcel of America’s earliest immigration ideologies.

Revelation 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. 7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

We got the blood of saints and the martyrs, America, the Lady Liberty, is highly drunk with that blood for the many Africans that she murdered during the transition and even after they got here, over a period of initially 380 years, then another 103, and now it has been nearly 530 years and counting. The bloodshed of the descendants of Judah, the Children of Israel has not stopped to this day.

We got the seven heads – the spikes on the crown of Lady Liberty’s head, which represents the seven continents of the world where she “sits on many waters.”

But what are the ten (10) horns all about?

…to be continued…Part II


Foundations of America

World Heritage Routes and Travel

Statue of Liberty: 50 Fascinating Facts

Papal Authority: Rome’s Rooted Hold on Evangelical America

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