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Oprah Rethinks President Bid After Trump “I Thought I Don’t Have The Experience & Now I’m Thinking, ‘Oh'” | Urban Intellectuals

Oprah Rethinks President Bid After Trump “I Thought I Don’t Have The Experience & Now I’m Thinking, ‘Oh'”

by | Mar 2, 2017 | Celebrities, News, Politics News | 0 comments

Donald Trump getting into the White House is making a lot of people rethink the way the world works…. Trying to explain how a thing could possibly happen.

Now, Oprah, was was being interviewed by Bloomberg’s David Rubenstein has said that Trump’s win may have changed her mind regarding running for the Oval office.

She said to him:

“I actually never thought that that was – I never considered the question, even a possibility,”

But then, when a reality TV star beat Clinton….

“I just thought, “Oh!”

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