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Officer Raped Black Youth With Baton As Other Police Watched! Riots Break Out In Solidarity! | Urban Intellectuals

Officer Raped Black Youth With Baton As Other Police Watched! Riots Break Out In Solidarity!

by | Feb 7, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

A 22-year-old youth worker, was so severely injured by police who allegedly attacked him, that he is still in hospital after undergoing an operation.

CCTV footage is said to exist showing an officer forcing his baton into the black youth’s anus after he supposedly tried to resist arrest, as the other police officers watched.

The alleged attack happened in the Parisian suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois. People took to the streets to march in solidarity with the victim, against police violence and some reports of rioting and clashes with police have surfaced. A police station has been vandalized and 100s have been on the streets.

For the crime, French interior minister Bruno Le Roux suspended the four policemen and one officer has been charged with rape, three other officers have been charged with ‘deliberate violence’. The four officers are awaiting trial.

Police are arguing that it was an accident, that his track pants came down and the baton accidently went up the man’s anus.

More details in Metro.

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