Obama Says He Is Going To Get Real When He Leaves Office

by | Nov 14, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

As much as all of us have thrown some anger towards Obama just not doing enough at times we also understand that the man has in many ways been a puppet for a much bigger thing, something we all have very little control over.

The man has pushed hard in some respects but been damningly quiet in others.

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In my opinion he has been a decent president but he never became the black president many hoped for. He made small changes, he didn’t really especially shake up the establishment.

But, is that all about the change?

As Obama packs up his stuff, thinks about a long holiday, playing golf, hanging with some friends he probably hasn’t seen much of and reaquinting himself with normal family life he may also be thinking about the real change he can do, the things he can really do as a free agent, a free agent who is one of the most high profile people on the entire planet!

And, this isn’t just guess work, Obama heavily hinted at the fact in a recent Vanity Fair intereview with historian Doris Kearns Goodwin.


For much of it they discussed Lincoln, Obama’s regrets and such standard fair. Then they came to the post-presidency.

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He told Goodwin that there are things…

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“that in some ways I suspect I’m able to do better out of this office.”

And because of
“institutional constraints”, “there are things I cannot say.”

He seemed to shrug off the elder statesman role and made allusions to being an activist and advocate,

“There are institutional obligations I have to carry out that are important for a president of the United States to carry out, but may not always align with what I think would move the ball down the field on the issues that I care most deeply about,”

IF we really do see the glimpses of the REAL Obama that we have seen grow into a full on fierce fighting man then things could get really interesting.

What do you think?

The full interview is here.

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