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Obama Returns To Chicago’s South Side! Is He Getting Back To His Roots? | Urban Intellectuals

Obama Returns To Chicago’s South Side! Is He Getting Back To His Roots?

by | Feb 17, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Obama, refreshed from his Virgin islands kite surfing adventures got back to business yesterday and returned to his hometown to hold four meetings.

Three of those meetings were concerning fundraising efforts for the upcoming Obama Center. The center is expected to be built in Jackson Park.

One meeting was closer to the pre-President Obama position. He met with community leaders on the South Side according to the Chicago Sun-Times’ Lynn Sweet.

This is exactly where I want to see Obama…. Back at the root of the problem, treading the streets (yes, I know that’s difficult for him now) but asserting his influence to make people listen to the plight of the people he really didn’t help as much as we would have liked (and who knows, maybe as much as he would have liked) during his tenure as President of the USA!

Obama has an incredible opportunity now to pull strings and divert attention. Where this man walks the media follows, when he speaks, they write….. He need to leverage this power if he really does care.

Let’s hope Obama being back on home-turf is a good start!

What do you think? Am I being too optimistic?

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