Obama Publishing a Scholarly Article Is The First in the History of the United States It Has Been Done by a Sitting President

by | Jul 20, 2016 | Celebrities, Politics News, Positivity | 0 comments

President Obama has become the first president in the all-time history of United States to publish a scholarly article.

His article is published in one of the extremely prestigious Journals titled American Medical Association aka JAMA on 11th July, but it is yet to be peer-reviewed.

The article summarizes how the following president has been able to continue the ridiculous work conceivably, he has performed with the ‘Affordable Care Act ‘, everybody hopes, in this November the Republicans will lose their control on the Senate and the nation can return back to getting things prepared again.

The conclusions of President Obama are that “policymakers should develop on progress that is made by Affordable Care Act just continuing to execute the so called Health Insurance Marketplaces as well as delivery system reform, by increasing the federal financial support for the enrollees in Marketplace, by introducing the public plan options in sectors lacking sufficient competition on individual market , and finally by taking actions to decrease prescription drug costs as well. ”

It is just another unbelievable achievement that indicates what an all around renaissance man the president really is – a scholar, a master of science, a musical artist, an immaculate statesman,an author, and a loving father too.

Everyone will miss him badly when he will leave the office – but no one can wait to observe what the amazing things he is going to achieve with the newfound free time.

Obama Scholarly Aricle

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