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Obama To Posthumously Pardon Marcus Garvey? | Urban Intellectuals

Obama To Posthumously Pardon Marcus Garvey?

by | Jan 3, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

In May 1923, Garvey was convicted of mail fraud in relation to the operation of his signature program for Black economic independence, the BlackStarLine. He was sent to prison and later deported. He could never return to the United States, and his global movement for racial and economic justice would never again regain the same level of momentum.

Subsequent research has confirmed the long held suspicion that Garvey was wrongfully convicted, targeted for his civil rights advocacy. Here’s what we now know:


Garvey made no profit from the BlackStarLine and invested much of his own personal earnings and reputation into the company.


Using COINTELPRO tactics like infiltration and sabotage, Hoover targeted Garvey as part of a lifelong obsession to neutralize the rise of a “Black Messiah.”


Garvey’s conviction took place in a trial replete with bias and error, including insufficient evidence, perjury by a witness at the initiation of the government, and his proceeding as a criminal defendant without the benefit of a lawyer.

These are the words from the Justice 4 Garvey campaign’s about page.

This campaign are asking Obama to pardon Garvey, for the reasons above.

Pardoning him would be more than symbolic, Garvey was targeted and was made an example of, he was beaten like a naughty slave and the legacy of this lies on the head of the United States government. Under President Trump such pardon’s are extremely unlikely and Obama has a legacy to fulfil.

So, is Obama going to do it?

At present, probably not. The petition only picked up around 6k signatures of the 15k wanted. he media in general has not been that interested in Garvey with everything else going on and to pur knowledge Obama has not commented on the matter.

But, maybe we can help. By writing this story and people sharing, maybe it can hit the mainstream, maybe the Pres can swipe his pen and make this a reality before he goes?

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