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NY Cop Killer Isn’t Linked To Protesters. This Is A Distraction Tactic And It’s Working. | Urban Intellectuals

NY Cop Killer Isn’t Linked To Protesters. This Is A Distraction Tactic And It’s Working.

by | Dec 22, 2014 | News | 0 comments

There is no other way to put this, I’m disappointed in the black community.

We just flat out have to do better. Every time a different cycle of news drops, we don’t have to flock to it like moths to a flame.

It is okay to stay in our lane and pursue our causes.

One of my favorite poems has a line that goes like this: “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you…” If there ever was a lesson for the black community, this would be it.

The latest flame to be flashed in our direction and has people losing their heads is the guy who killed two NY police officers.

As expected, the black community flocked to the ill-prepared logic tying this incident to the civil unrest in the black community. We are out there talking about cops lives matter, there are good cops and everything else under the sun, except the consistent murder, brutality and harassment put on us by the men and women in blue, the police, the judicial and political systems.

Ismaaiyl BrinsleyAccording to reports, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, a 28-year old Black male from Baltimore, MD posted a cryptic message on his Instagram account alluding that he was going to kill some police officers.

He kills the  mother of his son first, then drives to New York and kills two police officers in their vehicles. After this, he goes to the subway to kill himself.


No one condones this senseless violence and our hearts go out to the Ramos and Liu families for their loss. It is unfortunate when anyone looses their life and the family is left with the burden to bear.

Nevertheless, to tie this to the national protests and not a clear sign of his own personal signs of mental illness is ridiculous. Here are the points I take issue with in this case; and it seems that the more information that comes out, the ‘shadier’ this situation appears to be:

  1. If his beef was with police officers, why try to the mother of his baby.
  2. If you are taking out cops and plan to kill yourself anyway, why only kill two, then commit suicide. Seems like he would have went out in a fire fight trying to take down more cops.
  3. This logic says Nat Turner, after snapping over his situation, would have killed the neighboring slave master and then stopped there. Makes no sense if one is out for a vendetta against what he views as an oppressive group.
  4. Isn’t it peculiar that his Instagram and Facebook accounts were removed so fast?
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    I really wanted to see the history of his posts because if this was the tip, there should have been years and months of frustration over police brutality, but I seriously doubt there was.

  5. Now there is a Facebook “Ismaaiyl Brinsley Martyr” page set up for this guy. Really?
  6. There are images of a foot with a sneaker and no shoe strings that they are passing around, but the actual shooter is viewed lying on a stretcher with shoes on and with the laces tied up.

I will just stop there, but something stinks to high hell over this story.

I am sure at some point the truth is going to come out, but until then the black community needs to stop being fooled and wasting energy over distractions.

There is an open war on our kind in this country and no one seems to be interested in doing anything about it.

We must stay focused and stick to the task at hand, PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN AND THEIR FUTURE!

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