I wrote a book in 2008 and published it in 2009. It was called “The United States of Georgia.”
It was based upon the filth of racist and arrogant unjust whites in the State of Georgia at the time of Obama’s first election, and I already knew that the southern corn-pone hick states would give the election to a Republican and how much we had to rely on other states in America to make sense of this nation and keep their kind out of office.
It was also filled with predictions about what his presidency was going to look like in a racist and misogynistic nation if God’s righteousness did not rule our Black Lives. It talked about how Black people would respond to his election “as if” Obama was some kind of Savior-Leader who would signify the end of racism in America (#not), how Obama would be treated even by his own skin kind; the prevailing “party spirit” in Black America that takes nothing seriously and fans the flames of hatred over in our direction just because we are addicted to the drama.
I also mentioned that it was important to turn Congress over to Democratic control in the mid-terms of 2010 and again in 2014, but that the “party spirit” of a Black nation, and our hatred of one another, would twist things in the other direction.
In that book, I said Obama would win a re-election by a narrow margin, but based on how things were going at the time, the “arrogant and selfish they” would make the necessary moves to be rest assured that no “Top Hatting Nigger” would ever be President of this nation again. It appears I was absolutely right, and I hate it like no one’s business that I was.
In Donald & Melania Trump, you, Black America, will not only witness the “Abomination of Desolation” standing in the Holy Place (Matthew 24 and Mark 13)–and they will fix their sites on Jerusalem on his watch–but you will also witness the Great Whore of Babylon that rides on the Beast, who will now take her place in this kingdom before it is utterly destroyed as the Bible has predicted. No one wanted to hear President Obama, you will now hear his nemesis and obey.
Black America, you have been trumped and grabbed by the pussy by one of the biggest proliferaters of your own corporate whoredom and your own willingness to sell it out to the highest bidder.
I stated in this book how things would wind up in America and around the world if we did not take care to Obey God during an Obama presidency; and what would happen to America shortly afterward. I mentioned how easily we are deceived by overlapping “appearances,” and how shallow and twisted the world really is during these times.
I was hoping… no PRAYING… that I was also very wrong. That all that I said would be wrong. I would rather be made out a fool who didn’t know what I was talking about than to wish this ultimate hatred and destruction upon a nation in which I have lived all of my life.
However, the Will of a Righteous God never disappoints.
We can forget playing “Capt. Save-A-Nigger” in this day and age; there are too many of us who voted for Donald Trump as revenge against all that was righteous in the land. We chose money and superficial “material gain” that we will never have over Godliness.
We have no one else upon which to rely and now is the time that the words “all skinfolk ain’t kinfolk” will be seen in clear and plain view. We can no longer be deceived by the Black folk who sold our ancestors off into slavery; the wheat is separated from the chaff. Black Unity is now a more distant dream than it became in the 1970s after Dr. King was assassinated.
Everything that I prophesied would happen in that book came to pass; and the destruction of “the Church” is next. Rightly they say 11/9 is worse than 9/11. This will unfold before 2017 ends.
Read my other book “The Hearts of Black Folk” where I leveraged W.E.B. DuBois’ “colorline” in SOULS OF BLACK FOLK to state that Black people were now drawing unequal boundaries around themselves, and how so many of our losses as a People (who do not know we are A People) are vested in a Black church that has turned its back on God. I discussed in THAT book how this sociopathic mega-mania in the churches came to pass in America through a very white and racist “Jesus” who did not exist; and how even Black “evangelicals” would rule the day when it was time for this nation’s floodgates of hell and destruction to be re-opened.
Everything I said would come about as a result of our failure as a People and as a nation to follow through on the ordinate righteousness of a True God is now at our darkened doorsteps.
America will see another 9-11, for it is America that engineered it from Day One, and it it what Trump’s kind had planned from the very beginning. This New World Order, birthed of a fascist regime under Hitler and carried forth in America, is not a joke or a conspiracy theorist’s fairy tale. You are watching it happen and have deluded yourselves into thinking otherwise.
The only “Hope” we have left for us, knowing now that Obama was in fact a temporary plug in America’s self-destruction, is that the prophecies of the Bible will be fulfilled with a quickness.
Those who have been arrogant toward God thinks this election is in their favor, but it is not. They, too, will be destroyed by their own pharoah-saical choices. That which they believe is righteous is not as it appears to be.
Black people, especially those of the many “Diasporaic Translations” –the true Children of Israel– have been through three major dispensations of slavery around the world: First in Egypt for 400 years, again when enslaved by the Assyrians and Chaldeans in Babylon for 70 years, and now this third and last one in the Americas and Europe.
From 1619, this reign of terror on God’s people ends in 2019, before a Trump presidency ends. Let those of us who have been steadfast and true take hold of the reigns of the Word of God and see what the end will be. For those who have been close to him will draw nearer and those who have stayed afar off will be pushed farther away.
The wheat is being separated from the chaff in Black America, in this nation, and around the world; for The Lord & Savior is not “coming soon,” He is already here. He simply has not been made manifest in the form in which He said “every eye” shall see him yet, but He is already come.
I am headed to Noah’s Ark as this nation “inserts Trump penis” and takes it like a champ who asked for it. The stench of that smelly Ark is far better than the stench of this present age.
As for the rest of you, you were forewarned in the Bible and by those who are able to see through this mess for what it really is. Trump is not the Anti-Christ, the anti-Christ is ourselves. 666. The Number of Man: Protons, electrons, and neutrons. The Word of God said that we would seek to destroy ourselves (not water, but “fire” next time) and that we would not discern the times nor heed them.
It is only His righteous intervention that will stop our utter self-destruction. Those who think themselves righteous are not what they appear to be.
This is not a so-called “Doomsday Prophecy”, this is fact.

You’ve been grabbed by the nationalist pussy, America. Submit and do not complain and do not mourn.