No April Fools | Mississippi Declares April “Confederate History Month”

by | Feb 25, 2016 | Culture, Politics News | 0 comments

With Black History Month nearly in the rearview mirror, many folks in Mississippi are getting ready to celebrate the Confederacy.

The Jackson Free Press reports that Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed an official governor’s proclamation declaring April “Confederate Heritage Month.”

Interestingly, one has to do some searching to find a copy of the proclamation. The Free Press notes that the document appears on the website of the Sons of Confederate Veterans—not on the state’s official site with other proclamations.

The document says April is the appropriate month to honor the Confederacy because the rebellious states “began and ended a four-year struggle” in April. Moreover, many in the Deep South continue to honor Confederate soldiers on April 25—Confederate Memorial Day. It calls for national soul-searching about the past without specifically mentioning slavery.

Governor Bryant’s spokesman, Clay Chandler, gave this statement to the Times-Picayne:

“Like his predecessors—both Republican and Democrat—who issued similar proclamations, Gov. Bryant believes Mississippi’s history deserves study and reflection, no matter how unpleasant or complicated parts of it may be. Like the proclamation says, gaining insight from our mistakes and successes will help us move forward.”

According to the Free Press, several other states also celebrate the Confederacy in April: Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Texas. Virginia also recognized Confederate Heritage Month until recently.

Source: NewsOne

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