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NAACP Bombed, Officials Shocked, and Mainstream Media Is Silent | Urban Intellectuals

NAACP Bombed, Officials Shocked, and Mainstream Media Is Silent

by | Jan 7, 2015 | News | 0 comments

The country’s oldest civil rights organization was bombed on Tuesday, according to authorities. No one was injured in the blast and there is a suspect, but no name or solid description.

The attack happened Tuesday at the Colorado Springs chapter of the NAACP. A homemade bomb was exploded outside of the building. However, a gasoline can next to the bomb didn’t detonate as planned and no injuries were reported.

naacp-bombing-apDenver’s FBI office released a statement saying an “improvised explosive device” was set off against the exterior of the NAACP building. “A gasoline can had been placed adjacent to the device, however, the contents of the can did not ignite upon explosion,” the statement continued.

People were working inside of the NAACP building and the hair salon operating inside fo the building as well. A woman who was inside said they heard a “loud boom” coming from outside near the lawn area of the property charring only a small surface of the building.

People were working inside of the NAACP building and the hair salon operating inside fo the building as well. A woman who was inside said they heard a “loud boom” coming from outside near the lawn area of the property charring only a small surface of the building.

More damage would have been sustained had the gasoline can had exploded as planned.

There is a person of interest in the case according to the FBI and the Colorado Springs Police force. They describe the individual as a white male, balding and about 40 years suspected of driving a pick up  truck.

Despite the attack and characteristics of the person of interest, the FBI and authorites are uncertain if race played an issue in this case.

The national media cover is largely silent on this issue, but that shouldn’t surprise any of us. They tend to ignore our issues that might unite us as a people over our constant mistreatment.

We will follow this story as it unfolds.

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